Indeks Judul

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  

  1. Obat anti jamur (fungal), Amelia, Sri, 2011
  2. Obat bebas merupakan dilema kesehatan yang berkesinambungan, Lelo, Aznan, 2002
  3. Obat bermasalah, Chetley, Andrew ; David Gillbert, 1997
  4. Obat dan anak, Sartono, 2005
  5. Obat dan penerbangan, Sartono, 2005
  6. Obat dan wanita, Sartono, 2005
  7. Obat generik sebagai pilihan dari sistem pelayanan kesehatan, Zulkifli, 1999
  8. Obat generik sebagai pilihan dari sistem pelayanan kesehatan, Zulkifli, 1999
  9. Obati dirimu dari sihir, dengki, hipnotis dan kerasukan setan, Hamid, Muhyiddin, 2002
  10. Obati dirimu dengan Al-Qur'an, Arif, Abul Fida Muhammad Azzat Muhammad, 2002
  11. Obat-obatan, Widjajanti, V. Nuraini, 1988
  12. Obat-obatan dan larutan, Ibrahim, Christiene, 1980
  13. Obat-obatan dan larutan, Ibrahim, Christien S., 1986
  14. Obat-obat disfungsi ereksi dan implikasinya di masyarakat, Hadisahputra, Sumadio, 2001
  15. Obat-obat penting : kasiat, penggunaan dan efek-efek sampingnya, Ed.6, Tan Hoan Tjay ; Kirana Rahardja, 2010
  16. Obat-obat penting : khasiat dan penggunaannya, ed.3, Tan Hoan Tjay ; Kirana Rahardja, 1978
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  20. Obat-obat penyakit serebrovaskular, Rambe, Aldy S., 0000
  21. Obat-obat yang berkhasiat mukolitik, Mukhtar, Rarsmadin ; Muchlisyam, 1982
  22. Obat - obat yang dipakai dibidang kesehatan jiwa, Setyonegoro, R. Kusumanto;Iskandar, Yul, 1976
  23. Obat pada usia lanjut, Ikatan Farmakologi Farmasi Indonesia, 1983
  24. Obat pembersih gigi, Harahap, Emir, 1976
  25. Obat sintetik : buku ajar dan buku pegangan, tinjauan, sintesis, biotransformasi, analisis, Ebel, Siegfried ; Widianto, Mathilda B.;Samhoedi H., 1992
  26. Obat tradisional sembuhkan mereka, Redaksi Trubus ; Iswari, Diah, 2002
  27. Obat untuk kaum lansia, 1997
  28. Oberlander : a study in German east policies, Drozdzynski, Aleksander ; Zaborowski, Jan, 1960
  29. Obesitas ditinjau dari segi anatomi, Sitepu, simbar, 1992
  30. Obesitas kecantikan dan obat tradisional, Sardjono, 1965
  31. Obesitas, konskwensi, pencegahan dan pengobatan, Sukiman, Iman, 2005
  32. Obesitas pada anak, Wahyu, Genis Ginanjar, 2009
  33. Obesitas pada remaja, Daulay, Debby A, 2015
  34. Obesitas : permasalahan dan terapi praktis, Editor Rachmad Soegih dan Kunkun K. Wiramihardja, 2009
  35. Obesitas sebagai faktor risiko beberapa penyakit, Misnadiarly, 2007
  36. Obesity, Business and Public Policy, Acs, Zoltan J. ; Lyles, Alan, 2007
  37. Obesity facts the European journal of obesity : progress in surgery for obesity and metabolic disorders, 2009
  38. Obesity : preventing and managing the global epidemic : report of a WHO consultation, World Health Organization, 2000
  39. Objectives in curriculum design, Davies, Ivor K., 1976
  40. Object-oriented and classical software engineering, 8th ed, Schach, Stephen R., 2005
  41. Object - oriented programming : an evolutionary approach, Cox, Brad J., 1986
  42. Object oriented programming in C++, Mahanti, P.K, 2003
  43. Objects have class : an introduction to programming with java, Poplawski, David A., 2002
  44. Obligasi dalam perspektif hukum Indonesia, Setiadi, A., 1996
  45. Obligasi-obligasi negara dalam negeri, 1987
  46. Obligasi sebagai media sumber dana dan investasi, Sadalia, Isfenti, 1998
  47. Oblomov, Goncharov, Ivan ; Duddington, Natalie, 1992
  48. Obrak-abrik Irak, Shambazy, Budiarto, 2003
  49. Obrolan rakyat : Bandung-Yogyakarta-Malang, Pan Asia Research and Communication Services ; Carolina, Sinta, 2000
  50. Obrolan Tentang AIDS
  51. Observasi menyoroti iklan di televisi, Indonesia. Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika, 2007
  52. Observasi persediaan jerami di Sumatera Utara untuk bahan baku bagi kemungkinan berdirinya industri pulp, Sembiring, Merek ; Siregar, Harrys, 1992
  53. Observasi & wawancara ?, Rahayu, lin Tri ; Ardani, Trisadi Ardi, 2004
  54. Observational strategies for child study, Irwin, D. Michelle ; M. Margaret Bushnell, 1980
  55. Observation and participation in early childhood settings : a practicum guide, birth through age five, Billman, Jean ; Janice A. Sherman, 1997
  56. Observation on statistics in BKS.PTN/B instutions and planning of the WUAE project sponsored short course in applied statistics, Cornelius, Paul L., 1982
  57. Observers for linear systems, O'reilly, John, 1983
  58. Observing and recording the behavior of young children, Cohen, Dorothy H ; Stern, Virginia;Balaban, Nancy, 1983
  59. Observing development of the young child, Beaty, Janice J., 1994
  60. Obsesi pengarang periode balai pustaka, Atmazaki, 1998
  61. Obses otak otogen, Aboet, Askaroellah, 1997
  62. Obsessive compulsive disorder for dummies, Elliott, Charles H. ; Laura L. Smith, 2009
  63. Obstetric, Williams, John Whitridge ; Pritchard, Jack A.;Macdonald, Paul C., 1976
  64. Obstetrical epidemiology, Barron, S.L. and Thomson, A.M., 1983
  65. Obstetrical practice, Beck, Alfred C. ; Rosenthal, Alexander H., 1958
  66. Obstetric and gynecologic emergencies, Benrubi, Guy I., 1994
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  69. Obstetric emergencies, Cavanagh, Denis, 1983
  70. Obstetric practice, Speert, Harold ; Guttmacher, Alan F., 1956
  71. Obstetrics, Clayton, Stanley G.;Fraser, Donald;Lewis, T.L.T., 0000
  72. Obstetrics, Eastman, Nicholson J. ; Hellman, Louis M., 1961
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  77. Obstetrics and gynecology, Lott, Sonia ; Linardakis, Nikos M., 1998
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  80. Obstetrics and gynecology : a competency-based companion, Belden, Michael, 2010
  81. Obstetrics and gynecology annual: volume 10, 1981, Wynn, Ralph W., 1981
  82. Obstetrics and gynecology annual: volume 12, 1983, Wynn, Ralph M., 1983
  83. Obstetrics and gynecology : cases, questions, and answers, Azziz, Ricardo, 2007
  84. Obstetrics and gynecology : drug handbook, Zatuchni, Gerald I. ; Slupik, Ramona I., 1996
  85. Obstetrics and gynecology, Ed.2, Parisei, Maryam, 2008
  86. Obstetrics and gynecology in the tropics and developing countries, Lawson, J.B. ; Stewart, D.B., 1967
  87. Obstetrics and gynecology : just the facts, Patrick Duff ... [et al], 2005
  88. Obstetrics by ten teachers, Clayton, Donald Fraser, 1917
  89. Obstetrics by ten teachers, Clayton, Astanley G.;Lewis, T. L. T.;Pinker, G. D., 1985
  90. Obstetrics for students, Towsend, Sydney Lance, 1978
  91. Obstetrics : from the original text of Jpseph B. De Lee, Greenhill, J. P., 1960
  92. Obstetrics & gynaecology, Ed.3, Impey, Lawrence ; Tim Child, 2008
  93. Obstetrics gynecology, Danford, David N.;Scott, James R., 1986
  94. Obstetrics illustrated, Garrey, Mathew Macmaster, 1980
  95. Obstetrics illustrated. Ed. 7, Hanretty, Kevin P, 2006
  96. Obstetric Therapeutics, Hawkins, DF, 1974
  97. Obstetric ultrasound : artistry in practice, Hobbins, John C, 2008
  98. Obstetric ultrasound : artistry in practice, Hobbins, John C., 2008
  99. Obstetri dan ginekologi praktis, Chamberlain, Geoffrey ; Dewhust, Sir John;Maulany, R.F;Ronardy, Devi H, 1994
  100. Obstetri fisiologi, Universitas Padjadjaran, 1983
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  105. Obstetri intervensi, P.J. Dorr ... [et all], 2015
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  107. Obstetri patologi, Universitas Padjajdjaran Bandung, 1984
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  110. Obstetri sosial, Martaadisoebrata, Djamhoer, 0000
  111. Obstetri williams, Pritchard, Jack A. ; MacDonald, Paul C.;Gant, Norman F., 1991
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  118. Obstretrics, Hellman, Louis M. ; Pritchard, Jack A., 1971
  119. Obstruksi dan statis serta refluks vesiko-ureter untuk dipakai sebagai bacaan bagi mahasiswa kedokteran USU Medan, Ginting, Menam, 1986
  120. Obstruksi kelenjar ludah dan perawatannya, Khairiza, 1989
  121. Obtaining agreement on standards in the accounting profession, Moonitz, Maurice, 1974
  122. Obyektivitas penelitian sosial, Myrdal, Gunnar ; Tanja, Victor I., 1988
  123. Obyek wisata alam : pedoman identifikasi, pengembangan, pengelolaan, pemeliharaan dan pemasaran, Robby K.T. Ko, 2001
  124. Obyek wisata & menggali sejarah di Sumater Utara, Harahap, H. Anwar ; Harahap, H. Marajali, 0000
  125. O'Casey annual, Lowery, Robert G., 1982
  126. O'Casey annual, Lowery, Robert G., 1983
  127. O'Casey, the dublin trilogy : the shadows of a gunman, juno ...., Ayling, Ronald, 1985
  128. O'Casoy annual, Lowery, Robert G., 1984
  129. Occam programming manual, editor Hoare, C. A. R., 1984
  130. Occidentalism : the west in the eyes of its enemies, Buruma, Ian, 2004
  131. Occlusion, Thomson, Hamish, 1990
  132. Occlusion, Ramfjord, Sigurd Peder ; Ash, Major M., 1983
  133. Occlusion in clinical practice, Thomson, Hamish, 1981
  134. Occlusion in restorative dentistry : technique and theory, Gross, Martin D. ; Mathews, James Dewe, 1982
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  137. Occupational cancer and carcinogenesis, Helsinki, 1979 Proceeding ; Vainio, Harri; Sorsa, Marja; Hemminki, K, 1979
  138. Occupational contact dermatitis, Adams, Robert M., 1969
  139. Occupational English, Laster, Ann A., 1985
  140. Occupational epidemology, Monson, Richard R., 1980
  141. Occupational hazards and reproduction, Sorsa, Marja;, 1984
  142. Occupational health : hazards of the work environment, Mayers, May R., 1969
  143. Occupational health in developing countries, Jeyaratnam, J., 1992
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  145. Occupational health promotion: health behavior in the workplace, Everly, George S. ; Feldman, Robert H., 1985
  146. Occupational hearing conservation, 1980
  147. Occupational safety and health in the age of high technology : for technologists, engineers, and managers. -- 2nd ed, Goetsch, David L, 1996
  148. Occupational safety & health management, Anton, Thomas J., 1989
  149. Occupational safety management and engineering, Hammer, Willie, 1981
  150. Occupational segregation and gender disrimination in labor markets : Thailand and Viet Nam, Asian Development Bank, 2007
  151. Occupational skin disease, Adams, Robert M., 1926 -, 1983
  152. Occupational therapi for children, 6th Ed, Case-Smith, Jane ; Jane Clifford O'Brien, 2010
  153. Occupational toxicology, Ed.2, Edited Chris Winder and Neill Stacey, 2004
  154. Occupy nation : the roots, the spirit, and the promise of occupy wall street, Gitlin, Todd, 2012
  155. Ocean en devenirs : litterature de I'archipel Indonesian, Budianta, Melani ; Manneke Budiman, 2017
  156. Ocean freight rates, Grossman, Willam L, 0000
  157. Oceanographic characters and plankton resources of Indonesia, Hartoko, Agus, 2013
  158. Oceanography, Moore, J. Robert, 1971
  159. Oceanography : an introduction to the marine environment, Davis, Richard A., 1991
  160. Oceanography : a view of the earth, Gross, M. Grant, 1982
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  162. Oceanography : the last frontier, Vetter, Richard C., 1974
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  164. Ocean transportation, Mcdowell, Carl E ; Gibbs, Hellen M, 1954
  165. Ocean wave energy conversion, McCormick, Michael E., 1981
  166. O'Connor's texbook of arthroscopic surgery, O'Connor, Richard L., 1984
  167. Octobrists to bolsheviks, McCauley, Martin ; Waldorn, Peter, 1984
  168. Ocular anatomy and physiology, 2nd Ed., Lens, Al ; Sheila Coyne Nemeth and Janice K. Ledford, 2008
  169. Ocular fine structure : selected electron micrographs, Jakus, Marie A., 1964
  170. Ocular immune responses, Amra, Aryani Atiyatul, 2007
  171. Ocular leprosy, Munaf, Ramli, 1982
  172. Ocular oncology, Edited Daniel M. Albert and Arthur Polans, 2003
  173. Ocular pathology, Greer, C. H., 1972
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  176. Odong-odong nyanyian ratapan rimba Pakpak-Dairi analisa tekstual dan musikologi, Naiborhu, Torang;Takari, Muhammad;Jelantik, Ketut, 1993
  177. Odontektomio metode split technique pada gigi molar ketiga, Danudiningrat, Coen Pramono, 2006
  178. Odontogenik fibroma pada rongga mulut, Sitepu, M. Ferdinanta, 2004
  179. Odontologi forensik dan identifikasi gigi, Harmaini, Nezli, 2001
  180. Oeangutans and the economics of sustainable forest management in SUmatera, 2011
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  183. Off flavor pada susu, Yusriani, Era, 2010
  184. Off-Flavors in aquaculture, Rimando, Agnes M.;Schrader, Kevin K., 2003
  185. Office accounting:a ocompeting based approach, Santoro, Rocco M., 1984
  186. Office administration for the medical secretary, Casey, Barbara, 1984
  187. Office and administrative management, Littlefield, C. L. ; Rachel, Frank, 1966
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  189. Office automation and word processing fundamentals, Waterhouse, Shirley A., 1983
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  195. Office diagnosis, Williamson, Paul, 1961
  196. Office in practice, Rees-Boughton, Margaret ; Arthur, John, 1984
  197. Office management, Denyer, J. C., 1969
  198. Office organization and management, Wylie, Harry L., 1953
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  200. Office planning and design desk reference, Rappoport, James E.;Cushman, Robert F., 1992
  201. Office politics for the utterly confused, Salmon, Rosemary ; William Salmon, 1999
  202. Office practice, Shaw, Josephine, 1973
  203. Office procedures, Williamson, Paul ; Williamson, Ann, 1962
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  206. Offices in the sky, Shultz, Earle ; Simmons, Walter, 1959
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  235. Okei : an epic tale romance and coming of age, Saotome, Mitsugu, 2008
  236. Oklusi dalam kedokteran gigi restoratif : teknik dan teori, Gross, Martin D. ; Mathews, James Dewe, 1982
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  1066. Organising knowledge, Rowley, Jenniver E., 1987
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  1104. Organizational behavior : developing managerial skills, Chung, Kae H. ; Magginson, Leon C., 1981
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  1106. Organizational behavior : emerging realities for the workplace revolution, McShane, Steven L ; Glinov, Mary Ann Von, 2003
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  1108. Organizational behavior : human behavior at work, Newstrom, John W. ; Davis, Keith, 1993
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  1112. Organizational behavior : readings and exercises, Davis, Keith;Newstrom, John W., 1985
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  1125. Organizational development and transformation : managing effective change, French, Wendell L;Bell, Cecil H.;Zawacki, Robert A., 2000
  1126. Organizational diagnosis : a workbook of theory and practice, Weisbord, Marvin R., 1978
  1127. Organizational effectiveness : a behavioralview, Steers, Richard M., 1977
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  1130. Organizational of Medical Record Departments in Hospital, Skurka, Margaret Flettre ; Converse, Mary E., 1984
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  1132. Organizational psychology: an experiential approach to organizational behavior, Kolb, David A. ; Rubin, Irwin M.;McIntyre, James M., 1984
  1133. Organizational psychology : in cross-cultural perspective, Silverthorne, Colin P, 2005
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  1135. Organizational strategy, structure, and process, Miles, Raymond E. ; Snow, Charles C.;Meyer, Alan D., 1978
  1136. Organizational stress and preventive management, Quick, Jonathan D., 1984
  1137. Organizational structure of libraries, Martin, Lowell A., 1984
  1138. Organizational theory and behaviour, Sharma, R. A., 1984
  1139. Organizational theory and design : a strategic approach for management, Gerloff, Edwin A., 1985
  1140. Organizational theory, design and change, 6th ed, Jones, Gareth, 2010
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  1159. Organization design, Galbraith, Jay R., 1977
  1160. Organization development and change, Cummings, Thomas G ; Worley, Christopher G, 2005
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  1164. Organization development for managers, Varney, Glenn H., 1977
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  1166. Organization development: principles and practices, Burke, W. Warner, 1982
  1167. Organization development : strategies and models, Beckhard, Richard, 1969
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  1175. Organizations : a micro/macro approach, Daft, Richard L. ; Steers, Richard M., 1986
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  1177. Organizations: a quantum view, Miller, Danny ; Freiesen, Peter H.;Mintzberg, Henry, 1984
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  1185. Organizations, personnel, and decision making, Zeidner, Joseph, 1987
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  1189. Organizations : theory and design, Bedeian, Arthur G. ; Zammuto, Raymond F., 1991
  1190. Organization : structure, processes, and outcomes, Hall, Richard H., 1996
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  1192. Organization theory, Pugh, D.S., 1971
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  1200. Organization theory for public administration, Harmon, Michael ; Mayer, Richard, 1986
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  1208. Organizing information : principles and practice, Turner, Christopher, 1987
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