Indeks Judul

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  

  1. Waarden en wetenschap, 1974
  2. Waarom jurist? (een afscheidscollege), Oven, J.C. Van, 1952
  3. Wacana akhbar waspada dan analisa dalam kempen parti politik golkar dan PDI (P) pada pilihan raya tahun 1997 dan tahun 1999 di Indonesia, Purba, Amir, 2010
  4. Wacana bahasa Jawa, Indonesia.Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa ; Wedhawati;Soepomo, Gloria;Leginem, 1979
  5. Wacana dakwah kontemporer, Basit, Abdul, 2006
  6. Wacana dalam akbar Indonesia satu kajian terhadap berita penubuhan provinsi Tapanuli dalam akhbar Sinar Indonesia Baru dan Waspada, Pohan, Syafruddin, 2009
  7. Wacana hiburan dalam "sms seru ...!!" : pemanfaatan aspek-aspek kebahasaan dalam wacana sms, Astuti, Wiwiek Dwi, 2009
  8. Wacana ideologi negara Islam : studi harakah darul Islam dan Moro National Liberation Front, Al-Chaidar, 1999
  9. Wacana Islam Barat (Refleksi Islamisis atau neo-modernisme Islam fazlur Rahman), Waugh, Earle H. ; Denry, Frederick M., 2001
  10. Wacana keagamaan & politik Nurcholish Madjid, Nadroh, Siti, 1999
  11. Wacana kebudayaan dan gaya ujaran, Mulyadi, 2000
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  14. Wacana komunikasi : etiket dan norma wong-cilik abangan di jawa, Purwoko, Herudjati, 2008
  15. Wacana komunikasi organisasi, Liliweri, Alo, 2004
  16. Wacana Kontemporer pariwisata, Prasiasa, Dewa Putu Oka, 2011
  17. Wacana : pemahaman dan hubungan antarunsur, Idat, T. Fatimah Dj, 1994
  18. Wacana pemahaman dan hubungan antarunsur, Djajasudarma, Fatimah, 2006
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  20. Wacana politik di media sosial (studi analisis wacana dengan paradigma positivis mengenai penerapan ruang publik di facebook tentang pemilihan kepala daerah Sumatera Utara tahun 2013), Hanim, Farida, 2014
  21. Wacana reformasi : merenungi kiprah polri , 1999
  22. Wacana sastra dan ideologi, Budiman, Kris, 1994
  23. Wachale : poetry and prose about growing up latino in America, Stavans, Illan, 2001
  24. Wadsworth's media guide for introductory psychology, Watson, Russell J., 2003
  25. Wafe mechanics, Flint H. T., 1953
  26. Wage administration : plans, practices, and principles, Brennan, Charles W., 1959
  27. Wage and salary administration, Langsner, Adolph ; Zollitsch, Herbert G., 1961
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  29. Wage and salary administration : pay and benefits, Burgess, Leonard R., 1984
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  31. Wage determination : concepts & cases, Verma, Pramod, 1979
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  33. Wage Inflation , Burton, John, 1972
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  35. Wages and salaries : a handbook for line managers, Sibson, Robert E., 1960
  36. Wages in the business cycle : an empirical and methodological analysis, Michie, Jonathan, 1987
  37. Wagner to the waster land : a study of the relationship of wagner to english literature, Martin, Stoddard, 1982
  38. Wagons West: the epic story of America's overland trails, Mclynn, Frank, 2002
  39. Wahai ibu kenali anakmu : pegangan orang tua muslim mendidik anak, Tarazi, Norma, 2003
  40. Wahai para guru, ubahlah cara mengajarmu : perintah pengajaran yang berbeda-beda dan sesuai dengan otak, Kaufeldt, Martha, 2008
  41. Wahai penghujat pacaran Islami : jangan kau undang kemurkaan Allah dan kemarahan rasulnya, Shodig, Muhammad, 2004
  42. Waham (delusi), Effendi, Elmeida, 0000
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  44. Wahyu Cakraningrat, Padmadihardja, Mas ; Sulistjo HS, 1979
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  57. Wajah profesi dokter dalam karya sastra, Hani'ah, 1996
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  59. Wajah sang pembunuh, Sheldon, Sidney ; Adiwiyoto, Anton, 1992
  60. Wajah yang memancarkan cahaya, Alqarni, Aidh Abdullah , 2005
  61. Wajah yesus di Asia, Sugirtharajah, R.S., 2003
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  63. Wajibnya taat pada pemerintah, Barjas Al-Abdul Karim, Syaikh Abdus Salam, 2003
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  68. Wakaf tanah dalam sistem hukum Indonesia dan permasalahannya, Zaidar, 2002
  69. Wakai : penyelesaian sengketa ala jepang, Kusano, Yoshiro ; Saleh, Abdul Rahman, 2015
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  71. Waktu berlalu kenangan indah akan tertinggal : surat - surat dari tanah Karo, Ginting, Meneth ; Keliat, Amelia, 2002
  72. Waktu erupsi gigi geligi sulung pada anak suku batak di kotamadya Medan, Yendriwati ; Harmaini, Nezli;Soeparmin, Soesilo, 1994
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  74. Waktu laung bagi remaja mulim, Kanzun, Ahmad Hasan, 2002
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  76. Walden and civil Disobedienc : Authoritative Texts Background Reviews and Essays in Criticism, Thoreau, Henry David, 1966
  77. Walden or, life in the woods, Thoreau, Henry David, 1992
  78. Walden, or life in the woods : with a critical and biographical profile, Thoreau, Henry David ; Ashworth, John, 0000
  79. Wales in modern times, Evans, David, 1979
  80. Walford's guide to reference material, Walford, A. J., 1980
  81. Wali dan keramat dalam islam, Dahri, Harapandi, 2007
  82. Walidarma, Wirawangsa, Raden Rangga ; HP, Hardjana, 1980
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  85. Walking backwards, Geog-lin Lim, Shirley, 2010
  86. Walking machines : an introduction to legged robots, Todd, D. J., 1985
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  101. Wangsa brahmana yang setia, Indonesia. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan ; Martin, 1999
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  539. Wewenang pengurusan bagi perumahan do propinsi daerah TK. 1 Sumatera Utara, Arhas, Marwan, 2003
  540. We were the mulvaneys, Oates, Joyce Carol, 1996
  541. Whale Hunt, Haley, Nelson Cole, 1950
  542. Wharton on dynamic competitive strategy, Day, George S;Reibstein, David J;Gunther, Robert E, 1997
  543. What computers can't do:the limit of artificial intelligence, Dreyfus, Hubert L., 1979
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  545. What di i Say? : the therapist's guide to answering clien questions, Edelstein, Linda N. ; Charles A. Waehler, 2011
  546. What does political economy tell us about economic development and vice versa, Keefer, Philip, 2004
  547. What do unions do, Freman, Richard B. ; Medoff, James L., 1984
  548. What do we about plantations, Walter, Michael AHB., 1981
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  550. What everybody should know about patents, trademarks and copyrights, Diblo, Donald, 1978
  551. What everyone in Britain should know abouut crime and punishment, Wilson, David ; Ashton, John, 1998
  552. Whatever you think think the opposite, Arden, Paul, 2010
  553. What every supervisor should know : the basics of supervisory management, Bittel, Lester R., 1985
  554. What executives need to know about project management, Kerzner, Harold ; Frank P. Saladis, 2009
  555. What functional managers need to know about projects management, Kerzner, Harold ; Frank P. Saladis, 2009
  556. What good are bugs? : insects in the web of life, Waldbauer, Gilbert, 2003
  557. What great brands do : the seven brand-building principles that separate the best from the rest, Yohn, Denise Lee, 2014
  558. What happened in cuba, Smith, Robert F., 1963
  559. What happened? : peristiwa seputar haji terakhir, Ansari, m.S., 2006
  560. What have you lost? : poems, Nye, Naomi Shihab, 1999
  561. What is Ahmadiyyat, Ahmad, Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud, 0000
  562. What is death ? : a scientist looks at the cycle of life, Volk, Tyler, 2002
  563. What is genocide?, Shaw, Martin, 2007
  564. What is Korea Buddhism ?, Designed by Yoon-Su, Shin, 2007
  565. What is life ?, Haldane, J. B. S., 1949
  566. What is literature ?, Sartre, Jean-Paul ; Frechtman, Bernard, 1978
  567. What is riba ?, Ahmed, Qadeerruddin, 1994
  568. What is science?, Campbell, Norman, 1952
  569. What is short selling, Taulli, Tom, 2004
  570. What is six sigma process management, Hayler, Rowland ; Michael Nichols, 2005
  571. What is social policy? : understanding the welfare state, Beland, Daniel, 2010
  572. What is strategy?, Porter, Michael E., 2006
  573. What katy did, Coolidge, Susan, 1994
  574. What leaders really do = Kepemimpinan dan perubahan, Kotter, John P. ; Mulyadi, Julius A., 1999
  575. What parliament is and does : being an introduction to parliamentary government in the united kingdom, Hemingford, Lord, 1947
  576. What shall I read ?, Mortimer, Sheila M., 1978
  577. What's the alternative? career options for librarians and info pros, Gordon, Rachel Singer, 2008
  578. What's the united nations?, 1993
  579. What's the use of lectures ?, Bligh, Donald A., 2000
  580. What's wrong with social policy and how to fix it, Jordan, Bill, 2010
  581. What's wrong with the united nations and how to fix it, Weiss, Thomas G., 2009
  582. What time is it ? : the second coming of Christ and the sign of times, Holt, Basil F., 1936
  583. What to listen for in music, Copland, Aaron, 1957
  584. What was naturalism ? : materials for an answer, Stone, edward, 1959
  585. What we know about acquisition of adult literacy : Is there hope ?, Abadzi, Helen, 1994
  586. What we know about climate change, Emanuel, Kerry, 2012
  587. What Works? A Review Of The Efficacy and Effectiveness of Nutrition Interventions, Allen, Lindsay H. ; Gillespie, Stuart R., 2001
  588. What worth evaluation? : experiences with a world bank-aided integrated rural development projects in the southern highlands province of Papua New Guinea, French, Will;Walter, Michael A.H.B., 1984
  589. What you should know about the test of english as a foreign language, Multi Media Metropolitan, 1999
  590. Wheat crop management, Das, N.R., 2008
  591. Wheater's basic pathology : a text, atlas and review of histopathology, 5th ed, Young, Barbara ; William Stewart and Geraldine O'Dowd, 2011
  592. Wheater's functinal histology : a text and colour atlas, Wheater, Paul Richard ; Burkitt, H. George;Daniels, Victor G., 1993
  593. Wheater's functional histology : a text and colour atlas, Burkitt, H. George ; Young, Barbara;Heath, John W., 0000
  594. Wheat genetic resources: meeting diverseneed, Srivastava, J. P.;Damania, A. B., 1990
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  596. Wheat sceince and trade, Edited Brett F. Carver, 2009
  597. Wheat science-today and tomorrow, Evans, Lloyd Thomas;Peacock, W. J., 1981
  598. Wheat won't wait, Nathan, Adele Gutman, 1952
  599. Wheeler's dental anatomy physiology, and occlusion, Ash, Major M., 2002
  600. Wheeler's Dental anatomy, physiology and occlusion, Ash, Major M., 1993
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  603. Wheels west 1590-1900, Dunlop, Richard, 1977
  604. Wheldon's cost accounting and costing methods, Owler. L. W. J. ; Brown, J. L., 1965
  605. Wheler's atlas of tooth form, Wheler, Russell C. ; Ash, Major M.;Wheeler, Russsell, C., 1984
  606. Wheler's atlas of tooth form, Wheler, Russell C. ; Ash, Major M., 1984
  607. When breastfeeding id not an option : a reassuring guide for loving parents, Robin, Peggy, 1998
  608. When cobb and cc.was king, Lawsen, Will, 1988
  609. When doctors get sick, Mandell, Harvey; Spiro, Howard, 1987
  610. When do rural roads benefit the poor and how ?: aand in-deph analysis based on case studies, Hettige, Hemamala, 2006
  611. When emotion meets money, Wahyudi, Josua Iwan, 2014
  612. When everything changed : the amazing journey of American women from 1960 to the present, Collins, Gail, 2009
  613. When faster harder smarter is not enough (ketika kecepatan, kerja keras, kepandaian tak lagi memadai), Cramer, Kathryn D. ; Susanti, Yenny, 2002
  614. When friendship hurts : mengatasi teman berbahaya dan mengembangkan persahabatan yang menguntungkan, Yager, Jan ; Achyar, Arfan, 2006
  615. When gadgets betray us : the dark side of our infatuation with new technologies, Vamosi, Robert, 2011
  616. When lean enterprises collide : competing through confrontation, Cooper, Robin, 1995
  617. When markets quake : the management challenge of restructuring industry, Bower, Joseph L., 1986
  618. When nations disagree : a handbook on peace through law, Larson, Arthur, 1961
  619. When peoples meet : a study in race and culture contacts, Locke, Alain;Stern, Bernhard J., 1946
  620. When : the art of perfect timing, Albert, Stuart, 2013
  621. When they were sold : trafficking of women and girls in 15 provinces of Indonesia, 2006
  622. When we are married and other plays, Priestley, J.B., 1969
  623. When words collide : a journalist's guide to grmaar and style, Ed.2, Kessler, Lauren ; Duncan McDonald, 1988
  624. Where are we heading, Welles, Sumner, 1946
  625. Where have all the voters gone?, Wattenberg, Martin P, 2002
  626. Where is the wealth of nations ? : measuring capital for the 21st century, 2006
  627. Where the red fern grows : the story of two dogs and a boy, Rawls, Wilson, 1961
  628. Which institutions are critical to sustain long-term growth in Viet Nam?, Asian Development Bank, 2004
  629. Which way forward? : people, forest, and policymaking in Indonesia, Colfer, Carol J. Pierce;Resosudarmo, Aju Pradnja, 2001
  630. White collar productivity, Lehrer, Robert N., 1983
  631. White-haired melody, Yoshikichi, Furui, 2008
  632. White land of adventure : the story of the antarctic, Sullivan, Walter, 1957
  633. White paper on international trade Japan 1985, Japan External Trade Organization, 1985
  634. WHO CVD-Risk management package for low-and medium-resource settings, World Health Organization, 2002
  635. WHO Expert committe biological standardization fort-second report, WHO Expert Committe on Biological Standardization, 1992
  636. WHO Expert committee on biological standardization, World Health Organization, 2002
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  653. WHO Global programme on AIDS: 1991 progres report, World Health Organization, 1992
  654. Who governs? democracy and power in an American city, Dahl, Robert A., 1961
  655. Who guidelines for the management of postpartum haemorrhage and retained placenta, 2009
  656. WHO human health risk assessment toolkit : chemical hazards, 2010
  657. Who is who: pelayan rendah, Thackeray, W.M ; Novi;Intan, 2004
  658. Whole earth security : a geopolitics of peace, Deudney, Daniel, 1983
  659. WHO model formulary 2002, Couper, Mary R;Mehta, Dinesh K., 2002
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  662. WHO model prescribing information : drug used in bacterial infections, World Health Organization, 2001
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  664. Who owns native native culture, Brown, Michael F., 2003
  665. WHO psychiatric disability assessment schedule (WHO / DAS) : with a guide to its use, World Health Organization, 1988
  666. Who report 2010 global tuberculosis control, 2010
  667. Whose crisis, whose future? : towards a greener fairer, richer world, George, Susan, 2010
  668. Whose woods these are : the story of the national forests, Frome, Michael, 1962
  669. Who shall live ? : health, economics, and social choice, Fuchs, Victor Robert, 1974
  670. Who's who in 20th century America, Bachmann, Thomas M., 2000
  671. Who's who in American art, Gilbert, Dorothy B., 1953
  672. Who's who in American politics 2003-2004, 2003
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  674. Who's WHO in Indonesia : biographies of prominent Indonesian personalities in all fields, Roeder, O.G., 1971
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  676. Who's who in venture cavital, Silver, A. David, 1984
  677. Who'swho of American women 2002-2003. -- 23rd ed, 2002
  678. Why and how audits must change : practical guidance to improve your audits, Houck, Thomas P, 2003
  679. Why are the Arabs not free ? - the politics of writing, Safouan, Moustapha, 2007
  680. Why crime ? : an integrated systems theory of antisocial behavior, Robinson, Matthew B., 2004
  681. Why didn't I think of that : memikirkan yang tak terpikirkan dan meraih puncak kreativitas, McCoy, Charles W, 2004
  682. Why economics is not yet a science, Eichner, Alfred S.;Leontief, Wassily, 1989
  683. Why great leaders dont take yes for an answer managing for conflict and consensus, Roberto, Michael A., 2005
  684. Why I am a democrat : a symposium, Acland, Richard, 1939
  685. Why Indonesia opposes British-made "Malaysia", Indonesia, 1964
  686. Why jury duty matters : a citizen guide to constitutional action, Ferguson, Andrew Guthrie, 2013
  687. Why peron came to power : the background to peronism in Argentina, Barager, Joseph R., 1968
  688. Why reaganomics and Keynesian economics failed, Sawyer, James E., 1987
  689. Why the constitution matters, Tushnet, Mark, 2010
  690. Why the left hates Americs : exposing the lies that have obscured our nation's greatness, Flynn, Daniel J., 2002
  691. Why the mohole adventures in inner space, Cromie, William J. ; Knapp, Arthur, 1964
  692. Why they don't want u to get rich, Sher, Brian, 2008
  693. Why TQM fails and what to do about it, Brown, Mark Graham ; Hitchcock, Darcy E. and Willard, Marsha L., 1994
  694. Why UAE : unlimited opportunities, 2012
  695. Why victorian literature still maters, Davis, Philip J., 2008
  696. Why we behave like Americans, Smith, Bradford, 1957
  697. Why we're losing the war on terror, Rogers, Paul, 2008
  698. Why weren't we told ? : a personal search for the truth about our history, Reynolds, Henry, 1999
  699. Widayat : pendidik dan pelukis, Subroto Sm;Marah, Surisma, 1988
  700. Wideband beamforming concepts and techniques, Liu, Wei ; Stephan Weiss, 2010
  701. Wide blue yonder : a novel, Thompson, Jean, 2002
  702. Widening horizons in medical education : a study of the teaching of social and environmental factors in medicine 1945-1946 a refort of the joint ..., Curran, Jean A., 1948
  703. Widyakarya nasional pangan dan gizi :, 1984
  704. Widya karya nasional pangan dan gizi buku II, 1979
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  706. Widyakarya Nasional Pangan dan Gizi (WNPG) VIII Jakarta, 17-19 Mei 2004, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, 2004
  707. Widya karya penyusunan rencana jangka panjang terpadu lembaga penelitian USU (R & D Management), Universitas Sumatera Utara Proyek P3T., 1984
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  710. Wiederherstellende und plastische chirurgie, Gelbke, Heinz, 1963
  711. Wijsgerige levensleer : ethica, Vloemans, A., 0000
  712. Wika tower : a pride of our history, 2002
  713. Wikipedia dan informasi : analisis ekuivalensi terjemahan, Rusli, Lina, 2011
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  715. Wilayah rawan pangan dan gizi kronis di Papua, Kalimantan Barat dan Jawa Timur, Ariani, Mewa ; Saliem, Handewi, 2008
  716. Wilde : comodies lady windermore's fan woman of no importance an ideal husband the importance of being earnest, Tydeman, William, 1982
  717. Wild flowers, Fiedel, Roslyn, 1972
  718. Wildlife biology, Dasmann, Raymond F, 1981
  719. Wildlife in America, Matthiessen, Peter, 1959
  720. Wild life of Australia and New Guinea, Barrett, Charles, 1954
  721. Wildlife refuges, Gabrielson, Ira N., 1943
  722. Wild rangelands : conserving wildlife while maintaining livesstock in semi-arid ecosystems, Edited Johan T. du Toit, Richard Kock and James C. Deutsh, 2010
  723. Wild seed, Butler, Octavia E., 1980
  724. Wild solutions : how bidiversity is money in the bank. Ed. 2, Beattie, Andrew ; Ehrlich, Paul R., 2004
  725. Wild thorn : a novel, Hoffman, William, 2002
  726. Wild treasure : the story of David Douglas, Stoutenburg, Adrien ; Baker, Laura Nelson, 1958
  727. Wild west : how to protect and restore your online reputation on the untamed social frontier, Fertik, Michael ; David Thompson, 2010
  728. Wiley 2010 interpretation and application of international financial reporting standards, Epstein, Barry J. ; Eva K. Jermakowicz, 2010
  729. Wiley CPA examination review 2004-2005, Whittington, O. Ray ; Delaney, Patrick R, 2004
  730. Wiley CPA examination review 2004 auditing and attestation, Whittington, O. Ray ; Delaney, Patrick R, 2004
  731. Wiley CPA examination review 2004 business environment and concepts, Whittington, O. Ray, 2004
  732. Wiley CPA examination review 2004 financial accounting and reporting, Whittington, O. Ray ; Delaney, Patrick R, 2004
  733. Wiley CPA examination review 2004 regulation, Whittington, O. Ray ; Delaney, Patrick R, 2004
  734. Wiley CPA examination review 31st ed 2004-2005, Whittington, O. Ray ; Delaney, Patrick R, 2004
  735. Wiley CPA examination review fast track : study guide, Whittington, O. Ray, 2004
  736. Wiley CPA examination review focus notes : auditing and attestation, Antman, Less, 2004
  737. Wiley CPA examination review focus notes business environment and concepts, Antman, Less, 2004
  738. Wiley CPA examination review focus notes regulation, Antman, Less, 2004
  739. Wiley CPA examination review focus notes : regulation concepts problem-solving, terms rules and criteria, Antman, Less, 2004
  740. Wiley CPA examination review you can pass the CPA exam get motivated : knowledge and confidence-buildidng techniques, Hopkins, Debra R, 2000
  741. Wiley CPA examinaton review focus notes business law, Edward, Mark, 2000
  742. Wiley federal accounting handbook : policies, standards, procedures, practices, Tierney, Cornelius E, 2000
  743. Wiley GAAP 2004 : interpretation and application of generally accepted accounting principles, Delaney, Patrick R ... [et al.], 2003
  744. Wiley GAAP 2005 interpretation and application of generally accepted accounting principles, Epstein, Barry J ...[et al.], 2004
  745. Wiley GAAP for goverenments 2003 : interpretation and application of generally accepted accounting principles for state and local governments, Ruppel, Warren, 2000
  746. Wiley GAAP for government 2003 : interpretation, Ruppel, Warren, 2003
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  748. Wiley GAAP for governments 2005 : interpretation and application of generally accepted accounting principles for state and local governments, Ruppel, Warren, 2005
  749. Wiley GAAP implementation guide, Bragg, Steven M, 2004
  750. Wiley IAS 2003 interpretation and application of international accounting standard, Epstein J. Barry ; Mirza, Abbas Ali, 2003
  751. Wiley IAS 2004 interpretation and application of international accounting and financial reporting standards, Epstein, Barry J ; Mirza, Abbas Ali, 2004
  752. Wiley Not-for-profit GAAP 2003 : interpretation and application of generally accepted accounting principles for not-for-profit organization, larkin, Richard F. ; Marie Ditommaso, 2003
  753. Wiley Not-for-profit GAAP 2004 : interpretation and application of generally accepted accounting principles for not-for-profit organization, Larkin, Richard F ; DiTommaso, Marie, 2004
  754. Wiley practitioner,s guide to GAAS 2003 covering all SASs, SSAEs, SSARs, and Interpretations, Guy, Dan M. ; D.R. Carmichael and Linda A. Lach, 
  755. Wiley practitioner,s guide to GAAS 2004 covering all SASs, SSAEs, SSARs, and Interpretations, Guy, Dan M ; Carmichael, D.R;Lach, Linda A, 1992
  756. Wiley practitioner's guide to GAAS 2005 covering all SASs, SSAEs, SSARSs, and interpretations, Guy, Dan M. ; Carmichael, D.R;Lach, Linda A., 2005
  757. Wiley's student GAAS guide 2000/2001 edition : (covers statements on auditing standards, statements on standards for attestation engagements, and statements on standards for accounting and review services), Guy, Dan M, 2000
  758. Wiley's studets GAAS guide : 2000/2001 ( covers statements on auditing standards, statements on standard for accounting and review service, Guy, Dan M ; Carmichael, 2003
  759. Willa Cather : later novels, 1990
  760. William Carlos Williams and the American poem, Doyle, Charles, 1982
  761. William Dameshek and Frederick Gunz's leukemia, Dameshok, William ; Henderson, Edward S., 1982
  762. William E. Donoghue's lifetime financial planner:straight talk about ypur money decisions, Donoghue, William E. ; Shilling, Dana, 1987
  763. William Faulkner : novels 1930-1935 as i lay dying sanctuary light in august pylon, Blotner, Joseph ; Polk, Noel, 1985
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  1017. Word 6 untuk windows : referensi cepat, Dienes, Sheila S. ; Dewi, Chadra;Wahyarasmana, D., 1995
  1018. Word and information processing : concepts of office automation, Bergerud, Marly ; Gonzalez, Jean, 1987
  1019. Word by word basic : kamus bergambar tingkat dasar, Molinsky, Steven J. ; Bliss, Bill;Sitompul, Benjamin P., 1997
  1020. Wordcraft/2, Evans, Bergen, 1968
  1021. Word perfect 6 for dummies, Gookin, Dan ; Sulistiyanto, Agustinus, 1995
  1022. Word perfect 6 power tools, McComb, Gordon ; Wilopo, Arif Cegah;Paramesti, Dian, 1994
  1023. Word processing communication skills, Luke, Chery M ; Swafford, Anny J., 1988
  1024. Word processing : concepts and careers, Bergerud, Marly ; Gonzalez, Jean, 1988
  1025. Word processing exercises : for word processors, microcomputers, and electronic typewriters, Layman, Katie ; Renner, Adrienne G., 1984
  1026. Word processing using WANG systems : including WPS, OIS, and VS/IIS systems, Latif-Pembry, Rebecca, 1988
  1027. Words and images: Australian novels into film, McFarlane, Brian, 1983
  1028. Words and their meaning, Jackson, Howard, 1988
  1029. Words in action:simple guidance and assignments in communication, Cooper, Alan ; Leggott, Peter;Sprenger, Cyril, 1980
  1030. Words in everyday life, Brook, G.L., 1981
  1031. Wordstar 2000: plus guide TelMerge, MailList, StarIndex, release 2.0, 1985
  1032. Wordstar 2000 reference guide: release 2, 1985
  1033. Word star 6.0, Ariawan, Iwan ; Gunawan, Donny, 1995
  1034. Wordstar 6.0, Ariawan, Iwan ; Gunawan, Donny, 1991
  1035. Word star 7.0 untuk pengetikan sehari-hari, Arisubagijo, 1995
  1036. Wordstar 7.0 untuk pengetikan sehari-hari, Arisubagijo, 1997
  1037. Wordstar professional release 4.0 : seri pelajaran komputer, Sanjaya, Jimmi ; Budisuharto, S., 1988
  1038. Wordstar professional release 5 : an advanced book, Ashley, Ruth ; Fernandez, Judi N., 1988
  1039. Wordstar simplified for the IBM personal computer, Cassel, Don, 1984
  1040. Words that shook the world : 100 years of unforgettable speeches and events, Greene, Richard, 2002
  1041. Words that work : it's not what you say it's what people hear, Luntz, Frank, 2007
  1042. Word structure, Coates, Richard, 1999
  1043. Word study, Loh, Peng Yim;Burgess, Chris, 1982
  1044. Wordsworth and figurings of the real, Simpson, David, 1982
  1045. Wordsworth and the Lake District, McCracken, David, 1984
  1046. Wordsworth and the lake district : a guide to the poems and their places, McCracken, David, 1990
  1047. Wordsworth and the poetry of sincerity, Perkins, David, 1964
  1048. Wordsworth : lyrical ballads, Jones, Alun R.;Tydeman, William, 1972
  1049. Wordsworth poetical works, Hutchinson, Thomas, 0000
  1050. Wordsworth : the prelude, Harvey, W. J.;Gravil, Richard;Series, 1972
  1051. Work analysis, Johnson, Stanley ; Ogilvie, Grant, 1972
  1052. Work and the mental health crisi in Britain, Walker, Carl ; Ben Fincham, 2011
  1053. Workbook accompany : modern dental assisting. Ed. 3, Torros, Hazel O. ; Ehrlich, Ann, 1985
  1054. Workbook and laboratory manual in human anatomy and physiology, Kiely, Lawrence J. ; Langley, L. L., 1963
  1055. Workbook for accounting fundamentals, Flashner, Hoffman, 1980
  1056. Workbook for christensen & stoup introduction to statitistics for the social & behavioral sciences, Harris, Betty A., 1991
  1057. Workbook for organic synthesis : strategy and control, Wyatt, paul ; Stuart Warren, 2008
  1058. Workbook in bedside maternity nursing, Bleier, Inge J., 1969
  1059. Workbook / study guide for use with : managerial accounting, Garrison, Ray H. ; Eric W. Noreen, 2003
  1060. Workbook to accompany intensive coronary care. Ed. 4, Deal, Jacquelyn, 1983
  1061. Workbook to accompany Vander/Sherman/Luciano : human physiology, Kluger, Matthew J. ; Dalecy, Louis G., 1976
  1062. Work breakdown structures : the foundation for project management excellence, Norman, Eric S. ; Shelly A. Brotherton and Robert T. Fried, 2008
  1063. Worked examples in electrical power, Gupta, A. P., 1978
  1064. Worked examples in engineering mathematics, Mustoe, L. R., 1986
  1065. Worked examples in essential organic chemistry, Ryles. A. P. ; Smith, K.;Ward, A. P., 1982
  1066. Work engagement, Zahreni, Siti, 2014
  1067. Worker's remittance flows in Southeast Asia, 2006
  1068. Workes' self-management and planning : the Yugoslav case, Ardalan, Cyrus, 0000
  1069. Work examples in turbomachinery (fluid mechanics and thermodynamics), Dixon, Sydney Lawrence, 1979
  1070. Work, family and women's well-being : selected papers, Noor, Noraini Mohd, 2001
  1071. Work-family conflict, Zahreni, Siti, 2014
  1072. Work force analysis sebagai metode untuk penentuan kebutuhan tenaga kerja dalam perusahaan, Silalahi, Amlys S., 1996
  1073. Workforce development for implementing infrastructure projects 25-31 October 2006 Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 2007
  1074. Workforce development in Nepal : policies and practices, Asian Development Bank ; Agni Prasad Kafle, 2008
  1075. Workforce development in the philippines : policies and practices, Asian Development Bank, 2007
  1076. Workforce development in the republic of Korea : policies and practices, Asian Development Bank ; Young-Hyun Lee, 2007
  1077. Workfore development for a knowledge economy : report of the International workshop Seoul, 7-13 September 2005, 2006
  1078. Work hardening : a practical approach, Demers, Linda M., 1992
  1079. Work in American society, Wolfbein, Seymour, 1968
  1080. Work in america the decade ahead, Rosow, Jerome M. ; Kerr, Clark, 1979
  1081. Working around AIDS together, Flux, Angela, 1992
  1082. Working below capacity, Bosworth, Derek;, 1987
  1083. Working differently in fragile and conflict-affeced situations : the ADB experience, Asian Development Bank, 2012
  1084. Working effectively with tasks - orienred groups, Seaman, Don F., 1981
  1085. Working for a doctorate : a guide for the humanities and social science, Graves, Norman;Varma, Ved, 1997
  1086. Working for yourself : a guide to success for people who work outside the 9 to world, Namanworth, Phillip ; Busnar, Gene, 1985
  1087. Working identity: unconventional strategies for reinventing your career, Ibarra, Herminia, 2003
  1088. Working in agricultural mechanics, Shinn, Glen C. ; Weston, Curtis R., 1974
  1089. Working in fragile environments : a midterm review of the strategy (2005-2009), Asian Development Bank, 2008
  1090. Working in organizations, Kakabadse, Andrew ; Ludlow, Ron;Vinnicombe, Susan, 1987
  1091. Working in statutory contexts, Hill, Andrew, 2010
  1092. Working it out : sanity and success in the work-place, Strasser, Stephen, 1988
  1093. Working knowledge : how organizations manage what they know, Davenport, Thomas H. ; Prusak, Laurence, 2000
  1094. Working memory and academic learning : assessment and intervention, Dehn, Milton J., 2008
  1095. Working papers for use with financial accounting information for decision, Wild, John J, 2005
  1096. Working papers in linguistics, University of Washington. Departement of Linguistics ; Konten, Laury;Weinberger, Steven H., 1987
  1097. Working papers to accompany financial accounting, Imdieke, Leroy F. ; Smith, Ralph E., 1987
  1098. Working the plate the art of food presentation, Styler, Christopher, 2006
  1099. Working together : gender analysis in agriculture, Feldstein, Hilary Sims;Poats, Susan V., 1989
  1100. Working together in pursuit of incluesive business : sharing the Latin American and caribbean experience with Asia and the Pacific : a retrospective, Asian Development Bank, 2013
  1101. Working to overcome the global impact of neglected tropical diseases : firts WHO report on neglected tropical diseases, World Health Organization, 2010
  1102. Working with 1-2-3 on the IBM PC and compatibles, Startz, Richard, 1985
  1103. Working with americans : a practical guide for asians on how to succeed with U.S. managers, Wallach, Joel ; Metcalf, Gale, 1995
  1104. Working with asian american college students, Working with asian american college students ; McEwen, Marylu K., 2002
  1105. Working with discourse : meaning beyond the clause, Martin, J.R. ; David Rose, 2008
  1106. Working with female offenders : a gender sensitive approach, Wormer, Katherine Van, 2010
  1107. Working with fiction, Hayhoe, Mike ; Parker, Stephen, 1984
  1108. Working with men for HIV prevention and care, United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, 2001
  1109. Working with news in print, Rivers, Willaim L. ; Lewnstein, Marion, 1927, 1984
  1110. Working with the family in primary care: a systems approach to health and illness, Christie-Seely, Janet, 1984
  1111. Working with the health team : instructor's manual, University of Hawaii, 1982
  1112. Working with the microscope, Corrington, Julian D., 1941
  1113. Working with words : a guide to teaching and learning vocabulary, Gairns, Ruth ; Redman, Stuart, 1986
  1114. Working women:an international survey, Davidson, Marilyn J.;Cooper, Cary L., 1984
  1115. Workjobs II : number activities for early childhood, Lorton, Mary Baratta, 1979
  1116. Work Measurement, Dales, Harold E., 0000
  1117. Work measurement some research studies, Dudley, Norman A., 1968
  1118. Work or retirement : labour market and social policy for older workers in France, Gret Britain, the Netherlands, Sweden and USA, Casey, Bernard, 1983
  1119. Workouts & turnarounds II : global restructuring strategies for the next century insights from the leading authorities in the field, 1999
  1120. Workouts with weights : simple routines you can do at home, Karony, stephenie ; Ranken, Anthony L., 1993
  1121. Workplace cooperation : an introductory guide, Heron, Robert ; Macdonald, David;Vandenabeele, Caroline, 1997
  1122. Workplace cooperation : A practical guide, Heron, Robert ; Vandenabeele, Caroline, 1999
  1123. Workplace health health surveillance, 2000
  1124. Workplace industrial relations and technical change, Daniel, W. W., 1987
  1125. Workplace stressors and coping strategies among public hospital nurses in Medan, Indonesia, Fathi, Achmad, 2010
  1126. Work redesign, Hackman, J. Richard ; Oldham, Greg R., 1980
  1127. Work sampling, Sinaga, Tuti Sarma ; Sembiring, Meilita Tryana, 1998
  1128. Workshop about natural products (1981 : Penang chemistry and structural elucidation of natural products 3-16 May 1981, Feng, M.C.;Sam, T.W.;Khoo, L.E., 1984
  1129. Workshop and tool handy book, Anderson, Edwin P., 1973
  1130. Workshop... Bangkok, 17-19 Nov. 1979 proceeding, The Agriculture Development Council ; Tan, B. T., 1980
  1131. Workshop bentuk hukum implementasi UU No. 7 tahun 1994, KADI-KPPI, 0000
  1132. Workshop calculation : for electrical irades, Sethi, G.S., 1985
  1133. Workshop management perawatan 8 s/d 13 Maret 1971 di Djakarta, 1971
  1134. Workshop on ethanol as an alternative source of fuels, Jakarta, Indonesia January 14-21, 1981, 1981
  1135. Workshop on ethanol as an alternative source of fuels, Jakarta January 14-21, 1981, Workshop on Ethanol, 1981
  1136. Workshop on implementation strategy for research based collaboration between University, industry and local government, University Industry, 2004
  1137. Workshop on marine algae biotechnology : summary report Jakarta, Indonesia December 11-13, 1985, Workshop on Marine Algae Biotechnology (1985 : Jakarta), 1986
  1138. Workshop on planning, monitoring and evaluation of research and technology summary report, Jakarta, Indonesia August 23-26, 1983 in Indonesia : (1983 : Jakarta), 1984
  1139. Workshop on research priorities in ticalswamp rice, 1984
  1140. Workshop on systems analysis summary report Jakarta, Indonesia February 8-12, 1983, National Academi, 1984
  1141. Workshop profesional digital imaging dengan adobe photoshop, editor Dhewiberta Hardjono, 2008
  1142. Workshop statistics : discovery with data JMP companion manual, 3rd ed, Lacke, Christopher J., 2009
  1143. Workshop technology part 1 : an introductory course, Chapman, W. A. J., 1972
  1144. Work study in the office, Cemach, Harry P. ; Faraday, Joseph E., 1969
  1145. Work without boundaries : psychological perspectives on the new working life, Michael Allvin ... [et all], 2011
  1146. Worl banking and finance:cooperation versus conflict, Macesich, George, 1984
  1147. World almanac and book of facts 2009, 2009
  1148. World apart : a science-fiction novel, Cowper, Richard, 1974
  1149. World apart : The economic gulf between nations, Donaldson, Peter, 1971
  1150. World apparel fibre consumption survey 1985, Food and Agriculture Organization , 1985
  1151. World atlas, McNally, Rand, 1988
  1152. World bank atlas, International Bank Reconstructions and..., 1983
  1153. World bank atlas 03, World Bank, 2003
  1154. World Bank Atlas 2001 : from the world development indicators, World Bank, 2001
  1155. World Bank Atlas 2002, World Bank Atlas, 2002
  1156. World Bank-Civil societty engagement : review of fioscal years, 2006
  1157. World Bank civil society engagement : review of fiscal years 2002-2004., World Bank, 2005
  1158. World bank-civil society engagement : review of fiscal years 2007 70 2009, 2009
  1159. World bank for results 2011, The World Bank, 2011
  1160. World Bank Group Directory, World Bank, 2002
  1161. World bank lending to small enterprise : a review, Levitsky, Jacob, 1986
  1162. World bank publications Update, World Bank, 2002
  1163. World Bank Publications Up Date, World Bank, 2001
  1164. World bank research program : abstracts of currents studies Oktober 1980, World Bank, 1980
  1165. World biographical hall of fame, 1985
  1166. World book dictionary, 2007
  1167. World book dictionary abzad L-Z, 2005
  1168. World Book : focus on terrorism, 2003
  1169. World class manufacturing : the lessons of simplicity applied, Schonberger, Richard J., 1986
  1170. World class supply managementsm: the key to supply chain management. Ed. 7, Burt, David N ; Dobler, Donald W;Starling, Stephen L, 2003
  1171. World-class warehousing and material handling, Frazelle, Edward, 2001
  1172. World coffee survey, Krug, C. A. ; Kurg, C. A., 1968
  1173. World conference on human rights : the Vienna declaration and programme of action June 1993, 1995
  1174. World criminal justice systems : a survey, 7th ed, Terrill, Richard J., 2009
  1175. World debt crisis : international lending on triab, Claudon, Michael P., 1986
  1176. World development indicators, 2005
  1177. World development indicators 2003, 2004, World Bank, 0000
  1178. World development indicators 2006, The World Bank, 2006
  1179. World development indicators 2009, The World Bank, 2009
  1180. World development report, 1982, 1982
  1181. World development report 1986 : the hesitant recovery and prospects for sustained growth trade and pricing policies in world development indicators, 1986
  1182. World development report 1988, Linn, Johannes F., 1988
  1183. World development report 1989 : financial systems and development, world development indicators, The World Bank, 1989
  1184. World development report 2000/2001 : attacking poverty, World Bank, 1999
  1185. World directory of dental schools, 1961
  1186. World directory of medical schools, 1979
  1187. World directory of medicine schools, 1963
  1188. World directory of school of publics health, 1968
  1189. World directory of schools for animal health assistants 1971, 1974
  1190. World directory of veterinary schools 1971, 1973
  1191. World economic development, Fryer, D.W., 1965
  1192. World exhibitions in the nineteenth century : pageants of social and cultural change, Plum, Werner, 1977
  1193. World fish farming: cultivation and economics, Brown, E. Evan, 1983
  1194. World fish farming: cultivation and economics, Brown, E. Evan, 1977
  1195. World food : production and use, Conklin, Alfred R. ; Stilwell, Thomas, 2007
  1196. World Food programme 1993 food aid review, World Food Programme, 1993
  1197. World food report 1987, 1987
  1198. World futures : a critical analysis of alternatives, Hughes, Barry B., 1985
  1199. World geography, Freeman, Otis W.;Morris, John W., 1958
  1200. World geography of travel and tourism : a regional approach, Lew, Alan A. ; Michael Hall and Dallen Timothy, 2008
  1201. World guide to technical information and documentation services = guide mondial descentres de documentation et d'information techniques. Ed. 2, Unesco, 1975
  1202. World health, Brockington, Fraser, 1968
  1203. World health statistics annual, 1985
  1204. World health statistics annual, World Health Organization, 1995
  1205. World health statistics annual = Annuaire de statistiques sanitaires mondiales, World Health Organization, 1994
  1206. World health statistics quartely rapport trimestriel de statistiques sanitaires mondiales..., World Health Organization, 1995
  1207. World health statistics quarterly : Rapport trimestriel de statistiques sanitaires mondiales, World Health Organization, 1966
  1208. World heritage in korea, Jae-sik, Suh, 2001
  1209. World history of the dance, Sachs, Curt ; Schonberg, Bessie, 1965
  1210. World history : patterns of change and continuity, Stearns, Peter N., 1987
  1211. World history volume I : prehistory to 1500.-- 4th. Ed, McComb, David, 1996
  1212. World investmen report 2012 towards a new generation of investment policies, United Nations Conference on Trade, 2012
  1213. World investment report 1999 : foreign direct investment and the challenge of development, United Nations, 1999
  1214. World investment report 2010 : investing in a low-carbon economy, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, 2010
  1215. World investment report 2011 : non-equity modes of international production and development, 2011
  1216. World law day 1970 international education year, 0000
  1217. World literature today, Riggan, William, 2000
  1218. World malaria report 2010, 2010
  1219. World malaria report 2011, 2011
  1220. World mortality in 2000 : life tables for 191 countries, Lopez, A.D., 2002
  1221. World nutrition : A U. S. View, Mayer, Jean;Campbell, Dorothy, 1973
  1222. World of Islam festival : dalam presfektif sejarah, Natsir, Mohammad, 1976
  1223. World of warcraft programming : a guide and reference for creating wow addons, 2nd ed, Whitehead II, James ; Rick Roe, 2010
  1224. World of wildlife, Anthony ; Nayman, Jacquelino, 1979
  1225. World order and new states, Calvocoressi, Peter, 1962
  1226. World politics debated : a reader in contemporary issues, Levine, Herbert M., 1983
  1227. World politics in the twentieth century, Beckman, Peter R., 1984
  1228. World politics : trend and transformation, 12th ed, Kegley, Charles W., 2009
  1229. World population : an analysis of vital data, Keyfitz, Nathan ; Flieger, Wilhelm, 0000
  1230. World population and world food supplies, Russal, E. John, 1961
  1231. World poverty and human rights : cosmopolitan responsibilities and reforms, Ed.2, Pogge, Thomas, 2008
  1232. World prehistory: a new outline, Clark, Grahame, 1969
  1233. World price and development, Griffith-Jones, Stephany;Harvey, Charles, 1985
  1234. World problems in education: a brief analytical survey, Thomas, Jean, 1975
  1235. World problems in the classroom a teacher's guide to some United Nations tasks, Abraham, Herbert J., 1979
  1236. World protein resources, Gould, Robert F., 1966
  1237. World radio and television, UNESCO, 1965
  1238. World recovery without inflation, Hinshaw, Randall, 1985
  1239. World resources 1986, The world resorces Institute and The International..., 1986
  1240. World resources 1988-89, World Resources Institute, 1988
  1241. World revolution in the couse of peace, Curtis, Lionel, 1949
  1242. World's end, Boyle, T. Coraghessan, 1988
  1243. Worlds in common : television discourse in a changing Europe, Richardson, Kay ; Meinhof, Ulrike H., 1999
  1244. World survey of education, Unesco, 1971
  1245. World's who's who of men & women of distinction : curriculum vitae International, Vajpayee, Atal Behari ; Murthy, N N, 2000
  1246. World trade and payments: an introduction, Caves, Richard E. ; Jones, Ronald W., joint author, 1981
  1247. World trade indicators 2008 : benchmarking policy and performance, Islam, Roumeen ; Gianni Zanini, 2008
  1248. World war II, Lee, Loyd E., 1999
  1249. World war II : a student companiion, O'neil, William L., 1999
  1250. World war II memorial, 2004
  1251. World war ii writings the road back to Paris Mollic and other war pieces uncollected war journalism normandy revisited, Liebling, A.J., 2008
  1252. World water balance and water resources of the earth, Unesco, 1978
  1253. World wealth junior, Miller, Ward S., 1962
  1254. World wide research : Reshaping the sciences and humanities, 2010
  1255. World wide web design with HTML, Xavier, C., 2001
  1256. World without end, Frankau, Gilbert, 0000
  1257. Wortel dan lobak, Ali, Nur Berlian Venus ; Rahayu, Estu, 1995
  1258. Wortel : teknik budaya analisis usaha tani, Cahyono, Bambang, 2002
  1259. Worterbuch der landwirtschaft : Deutsch-English-Franzosisch-Spanish-Italienisch-Rissisch, Haensch, Gunther ; De Anton, Gisela Harberkamp, 1987
  1260. Worterbuch der landwirtschatt : dictionary of agriculture : dictionary agricole : diccionario de agriculture, Haensch, Gunther ; Haberkamp de Anton, Gisela, 1987
  1261. Wot batu :P sunaryo's stones bridge : a passage through wood, water, wind and soul, 2015
  1262. Wound healding : a symposium based upon the lister centenary scientific meeting, Illingworth, Charles, 1966
  1263. Wound healing : a symposium based upon the lister centenary scientific meeting, Illingworth, Charles, 1966
  1264. Wound healing (penyembuhan luka), Manik, Murniati, 1997
  1265. Wound repair, 2nd ed, Peacock, Erle E. ; Walton Van Winkle, 1976
  1266. Wounds and wound healing, Zeerfeldt, B. ; Jacobsson, S.;Ahonen, J., 1986
  1267. Woww, kok bisa rambutmu sangat indah dan sehat begitu, Umamah, Zahrotul, 2010
  1268. WPF : programmer's reference windows presentation foundation with C# 2010 and net.4, Stephens, Rod, 2010
  1269. WPP$$ : who is to blame for the WPPSS disaster, Leigland, James ; Lamb, Robert, 1986
  1270. WQEGSDG, VDSFB, 
  1271. Wquilibrium real exchange rate, misalignment, and export performance in developing Asia, Jongwanich, Juthathip, 2009
  1272. Wrestling sturbridge, Wallace, Rich, 1996
  1273. Wright bersaudara : kisah tentang perjuangan membuat dan menerbangkan pesawat pertama, Sproule, Anna ; Widodo, Alex Tri Kancono, 1992
  1274. Wrightsman's psychology and the legal system, Edie Greene ... [et al], 2007
  1275. Write like the pros : using secrets of adwriters and journalists in business, BAcon, Mark S., 1988
  1276. Writers and society during the rise of Russian realism, Andrew, Jec, 1980
  1277. Writers and society in modern Japan, Powell, Irene, 1983
  1278. Writers and society in modern Japan, Powell, Irena, 1983
  1279. Writers at work : the Paris review interviews, Plimpton, George, 1987
  1280. Writer's choice : Grammar and composition, Strong, William ; Lester, Mark, 1993
  1281. Writers in East-West encounter : new cultural bearings, Amirthanayagam, Guy, 1982
  1282. Writers of the western world, Hibbard, Addison;Frenz, Horst, 1954
  1283. Writers on organizations, Pugh, D. S. ; Hickson, D. J.;Hinings, C. R., 1971
  1284. Writer's workplace with readings, Scarry, Sandra ; Scarry, John, 1996
  1285. Writer the shaping of popular fiction, 2012
  1286. Write to the point : effective communication in the workplace, Goodman, Michael B., 1984
  1287. Write well, Bram, Barli, 1995
  1288. Writing, Madison, James, 1999
  1289. Writing a built environmnet dissertation : practical guidance and examples, Farrell, Peter, 2011
  1290. Writing academic English, Oshima, Alice ; Hogue, Ann, 1999
  1291. Writing a library research paper, Napitupulu, Selviana ; Sanggam Siahaan, 2012
  1292. Writing and computers, Daiute, Colette, 1985
  1293. Writing and grammar : communication in action, 2001
  1294. Writing and reading in Henry James, Kappoler, Susanne, 1980
  1295. Writing and reporting news : a coaching method, 6th ed, Rich, Carole, 2010
  1296. Writing and society : literacy, print and politics in Britain 1590 - 1660, Wheale, Nigel, 1999
  1297. Writing and word prosessing for engineers and scientists, Mali, Paul, 1985
  1298. Writing a research paper in political science : a practical guide to inguiry structure and methods, 2nd ed, Baglione, Lisa A., 2012
  1299. Writing as process : invention and convention, Ewald, Helen Rothschild, 1983
  1300. Writing at university : a guide for students, Creme, Phyllis ; Lea, Mary R., 1997
  1301. Writing audit reports, Bromage, Mary Cogan, 1984
  1302. Writing a winning college application essay, Davidson, Wilma ; McCloskey, Susan, 1996
  1303. Writing complete affective objectives : a short course, Lee, Blaine Nelson ; M. David Merrill, 1972
  1304. Writing culture the poetics and politics of ethnography, 1986
  1305. Writing efficient programs, Bentley, Jon Louis, 1982
  1306. Writing for international business : emails, letters & reports = menulis untuk bisnis internasional : surat elektronik, surat & laporan, Dignen, Bob, 1999
  1307. Writing form process purpose, Cox, Martha Heasley, 1962
  1308. Writing for Psychology : a Guide for Students, Mitchell, Mark L ; Jolley, Janina M ; O'Shea, Robert P, 2004
  1309. Writing for the mass media, 7th ed, Stovall, James Glen, 2009
  1310. Writing for therapy, Pranoto, Naning, 2015
  1311. Writing for the toefl iBT, Ed.3, Lougheed, Lin, 2008
  1312. Writing from A to Z : the easy to use reference handbook, 5th ed, Sally Barr Ebest, 2005
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