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- Teach yourself photography, Bowler, Stanley W., 1951
- Teach yourselft italian vocabulary, Zollo, Mike ; Alan Wesson and Jane Hughes, 2003
- Teach yourself visually algebra, Herzog, David Alan, 2008
- Teach yourself visually astronomy, Talcott, Richard, 2009
- Teach yourself web publishing with HTML in 14 days, Lemay, Laura, 1995
- Tea growing, Harler, C.R., 1966
- Team advantage : the complete coaching guide for team transformation, Mitsch, Darelyn DJ ; Barry Mitsch, 2010
- Te ambalo, Tuloli, Nani, 1983
- Team building, Soenarno, Adi ; editor Sudiyarto, Oktaviani Hastu, 2006
- Team Building : Issues and Alternatives, Dyer, William G., 1987
- Team building : terampil membangun tim handal, Maddux, Robert B. ; Hananto, Kristiyabudi P.;Hutauruk, Deborah P., 2001
- Team learning ditinjau dari team diversity dan team efficacy, Pohan, Vivi Gusrini Rahmadani, 2010
- Teams and technology : fulfilling the promise of the new organization, Mankin, Don ; Cohen, Susan G.;Bikson, Tora K., 1996
- Teamwork and project management, 2nd ed, Smith, Karl A., 2004
- Teamwork pada perawat rumah sakit umum daerah X, Octarina B., Marintan, 2012
- Teater daerah Indonesia, Bandem, I. Made ; Murgiyanto, Sal, 1996
- Teater monoplay dan musikal : 5 naskah kisah cinta dan diskriminasi dari puisi esai Denny JA, Tranggono, Indra ; Nugroho, Isti and JA, Denny, 2012
- Tebaran pemikiran seputar masalah hukum tanah, Hutagalung, Arie Sukanti, 2005
- Tebaran pemikiran seputar masalah hukum tanah, Hutagalung, Arie S., 2005
- Tebaran pikiran mengenai hukum agraria, Abdurrahman, 1985
- tebaran pikiran tentang studi hukum dan masyarakat, Abdurrahman, 1986
- Tebar pesona dan kreativitas mahasiswa Universitas Sumatera Utara tanggal 15 agustus 2009, Universitas Sumatera Utara, 2009
- Tebu : bercocok tanam dan pascapanen, Setyamidjaja, Jhoehana ; Azhari, Husaini, 1992
- Tebu : untuk SPMA dan sekolah-sekolah sederadjat, Notojoewono, Abdul Wasit, 1970
- Techical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the lao people's democratic republic for commercial banking capacity for efficiency enhancement, Asian Development Bank, 1998
- Techical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the republic of Kazakstan for social services delivery and finance., 1997
- Technical analysis explained : the succesful investor's guide to spotting investment trands turning ponits, Pring, Martin J., 1985
- Technical analysis explained : the successful investor's guide to spotting investment trends and turning points, Pring, Martin J., 2002
- Technical analysis for mega profit, Ong, Edianto, 2012
- Technical analysis : peralatan andal bagi investor aktif, Appel, Gerald, 2009
- Technical and business report preparation, Winfrey, Robley, 1962
- Technical and specialised periodicals : published in Britain, Central office of Information, 1981
- Technical and vocational teacher educations and training, Unesco, 1973
- Technical asiistance to India for preparing the north east power development project., Asian Development Bank, 2004
- Technical asisstance to Papua New Guinea for road sector cost recovery improvement, Asian Development Bank, 1999
- Technical asistance activities, 1997
- Technical assiatance to the independent state of Samoa for strengtheningcapacity for macroeconomics analysis,planning,and policy formulation (Phase III), 0000
- Technical assintance to the democratic socialist Republic of Sri Langka for the upper watershed management project, Asian Development Bank, 1996
- Technical assistance asian development outlook 2006., Asian Development Bank, 2005
- Technical assistance (cifinanced by the governance cooperation fund) to the people's Republic of Bangladesh for supporting good governance initiatives, Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assistance (cofinanced by the Asian Development Bank and government of New Zealand) for the formulation of the Pacific region environmental strategy 2004-2008, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance (cofinanced by the Asian Development Bank technical assistance funding program and the government of spain) to the people's republic of China for the town-based urbaanization strategy study, Asian Development Bank, 2004
- Technical assistance (cofinanced by the government of New Zealand) to the republic of the Philippines for improving poverty monitoring surveys, Asian Development Bank, 2001
- Technical assistance (cofinanced by the government of the Netherlands) for promotion of renewable energy, energy efficiency, and greenhouse gas abatement projects, Asian Development Bank, 2000
- Technical assistance (cofinanced by the government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) to the Republic of Indonesia for preparing the shelter sector project, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance (cofinanced by the government of the United Kingdom) to the Republic of Indonesia for preparing the sustainable social protection project, Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assistance (cofinanced by the Japan special fund and the government of Norway) to the people's republic of Bangladesh for the primary school performance monitoring project, 1997
- Technical assistance (cofinanced by the Japan special fund and the government of the Netherlands) to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan for the gender reform program, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance (cofinanced by the Japan special fund) to the Republic of Indonesia for preparing the participatory irrigation sector project, Asian Development Bank, 2001
- Technical assistance (cofinanced by the Japan the government of Australia) to the republic Indonesia for preparing the madrasah education development project., 2004
- Technical assistance (cofinanced from the Japan special fund, and by the Asian Development Bank Institute and the commonwealth secretariat) for the youth-and gender-sensitive public expenditure management in the Pacific, Asian Development Bank, 2001
- Technical assistance (cofinanced from the Japan special fund, Danida trust fund, and International life science institute) regional initiative to eliminate micronutrient malnutrition in Asia through public-private partnership, Asian Development Bank, 2000
- Technical assistance completion report for the..., Asian Development Bank, 1995
- Technical assistance (confinanced by the goverment of Denmark) to the people's republic China for renewable energy for poverty reduction, Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assistance (confinanced by the government of spain) to the people's Republic of China for preparing the hunan flood management project, Asian Development Bank, 2004
- Technical assistance ( confinanced by the government of the Netherlands ) to the Republic of Indonesia for preparing the flood management in selected river basing project, Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assistance facilitating knowledge management for pro-poor policies and projects (financed by the poverty reduction cooperation fund)., Asian Development Bank, 2005
- Technical assistance (financd from the Japan special fund) to the republic of the marshall islands for fisheries management, Asian Development Bank, 1997
- Technical assistance (finance by teh Japan special fund) to India for preparing the energy effeciency enhancement project, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance ( financed by Japan special fund ) to the Republic of Fiji Island for strengthening public sector financial governance, Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assistance (financed by japan special fund) to the republic of Indonesia for the local government financing project, Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assistance (financed by the cooperation fund in support of the formulation and implememtation of national poverty reduction sstrategies) for reviewing the poverty impact of regional economic integration in the greater mekong subregion, Asian Development Bank, 2004
- Technical assistance (financed by the Danish cooperation fund for renewable energy and energy efficiency in rural areas) for the renewable energy and effiency program for the Pacific, Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assistance (Financed by the goverment of the United Kingdom) to India for preparing the agribusiness development support project, 2004
- Technical assistance (financed by the governance and public resource management program, Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assistance (financed by the governance cooperation fund) to the republic of the Philippines for enhancing access of the poor to microfinance services in frontier areas., 2004
- Technical assistance (financed by the government if the United Kingdom) to the republic of Indonesia for preparing the provincial small and medium industrial sector development, Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assistance (financed by the government of Australia) for the Asia recovery information center phase II, Asian Development Bank, 2001
- Technical assistance (financed by the government of Denmark) for enhancing gender and development capacity in DMCs, Asian Development Bank, 1999
- Technical assistance (financed by the government of Denmark) to Mongolia for renewable energy development in small towns and rural areas, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance (financed by the government of Denmark) to the republic of Indonesia for preparing the water supply and sanitation sector project, Asian Development Bank, 1998
- Technical assistance ( financed by the government of Denmark ) to the Republic of Uzbekistan for off-grid renewable energy development, Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assistance (financed by the government of Finland) to the republic of Tajikistan for capacity building for environmental assessment and monitoring, Asian Development Bank, 2000
- Technical assistance (financed by the government of France) to the Republic of Indonesia for preparing the rural microfinance project, Asian Development Bank, 2001
- Technical assistance (financed by the government of Spain and the government of Italy) to the people's republic of China for preparing the Xi'an urban transport project, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance (financed by the government of Spain) to the Republic of Tajikistan for strengthening corporate and financial governance reforms, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance (financed by the government of Switzerland) to the kingdom of Thailand for the Mae Moh environmental evaluation, Asian Development Bank, 2000
- Technical assistance (financed by the government of the United Kingdom) to India for budget procedure reform, computerization, and expenditure management (Assam), Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assistance (Financed by the government of the United Kingdom) to India for capacity building for municipal service delivery in kerala., Asian Development Bank, 2004
- Technical assistance (financed by the government of the United Kingdom) to the India for preparing the Kerala sustainable urban development project, Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assistance (financed by the government of the United Kingdom) to the republic of Indonesia for gender responsive public policy and administration., 2004
- Technical assistance (financed by the government of the United Kingdom) to the Republic of Indonesia for local government provision of minimum basic services for the poor, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance (financed by the government of the United Kingdom) to the Republic of Indonesia for preparing the sustainable aquaculture development for food security and poverty reduction project, Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assistance (financed by the government of united kingdom) to the republic of Indonesia for preparing the integrated coastal fisheries resource management project, Asian Development Bank, 2004
- Technical assistance ( financed by the Japan special fund ), Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assistance (Financed by the Japan special fund) for capacity building of developing member countries on selected world trade organization and doha development agenda issues., Asian Development Bank, 2004
- Technical assistance (Financed by the Japan special fund) for capacity building of selected credit rating agencies in Asia phase III, 2004
- Technical assistance (financed by the Japan special fund) for facilitating cross-border trade and investment in the greater mekong subregion., 2004
- Technical assistance (financed by the Japan special fund) for the ADB-OECD anticorruption action plan for Asia and the Pacific, 2002-2003, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance (Financed by the Japan special fund) for the geater mekong subregion biodiversity conservation corridors initiative., Asian Development Bank, 2004
- Technical assistance (financed by the Japan special fund) for the pacific regional social protection systems assessment., Asian Development Bank, 2004
- Technical assistance (Financed by the Japan special fund) to India for capacity building for kerala sustainable development., Asian Development Bank, 2004
- Technical assistance (financed by the Japan special fund) to Kingdom of Nepal for preparing the commercial agriculture development project, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance (financed by the Japan special fund) to Mongolia for preparing the third roads development project, Asean Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance (financed by the Japan special fund) to Mongolia for the agriculture sector strategy study, Asian Development Bank, 2004
- Technical assistance (financed by the Japan special fund) to Papua New Guinea for preparing the agriculture and rural development project, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance (financed by the Japan special fund) to the independent state of Samoa for preparing the Savai'i renewable energy project, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance (financed by the Japan special fund) to the India for preparing the Assam power sector development program, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance (financed by the Japan special fund) to the kingdom of Cambodia for harmonizing Loan project implementation procedures, Asian Development Bank, 2004
- Technical assistance (financed by the Japan special fund) to the Kingdom of Nepal for preparing the transport connectivity sector project, Asian Development Bank, 2004
- Technical assistance ( financed by the Japan special fund ) to the Kyrgyz Republic for preparing the education development project, Asian Development Bank , 2003
- Technical assistance (financed by the Japan special fund) to the Lao people's democratic Republic for preparing the northern and central regions water supply and sanitation project, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance (financed by the Japan special fund) to the Lao people's democtratic republic for preparing the basic education development project., 2004
- Technical assistance (Financed by the Japan special fund) to the people's republic Bangladesh for promoting private sector participation in the energy sector., 2004
- Technical assistance (financed by the Japan special fund) to the people's Republic of Bangladesh for preparing the agribusiness development project, Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assistance (financed by the Japan special fund) to the people's Republic of Bangladesh for preparing the second participatory livestock development project, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance (Financed by the Japan special fund) to the people's republic of Bangladesh for preparing the second rural infrastructure improvement project., Asian Development Bank, 2004
- Technical assistance (financed by the Japan special fund) to the Republic of Azebaijan for preparing the early childhood development project, Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assistance ( financed by the Japan special fund )to the Republic of Bangladesh for preparing the second urban primary health care project, Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assistance (financed by the Japan special fund) to the Republic of Indonesia for preparing the community-based land rehabilitation and management project, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance (financed by the Japan special fund) to the Republic of Indonesia for preparing the interisland transport project, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance (financed by the japan special fund) to the republic of Indonesia for preparing the productivity enchancement for tree crops project, Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assistance (Financed by the Japan special fund) to the republic of Indonesia for strengthening the national secretariat for regional cooperation., 2004
- Technical assistance (financed by the Japan special fund) to the Republic of Tajikistan for the hydropower development strategy, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance (financed by the Japan special fund) to the Republic of the Fiji Islands for preparing the civil aviation and airports improvement project, Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assistance (financed by the Japan special fund) to the republic of the Fiji islands for preparing the fourth road upgrading (sector) project., 2004
- Technical assistance (financed by the Japan special fund) to the Republic of the Maldives for revenue diversification, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance (financed by the Japan special fund) to the republic of the Philippines for preparing the intermodal transport development project, Asian Development Bank, 2004
- Technical assistance (financed by the Japan special fund) to the Republic of Uzbekistan for preparing the third railway development project, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance (financed by the Japan special fund) to the socialist Republic of Viet Nam for preparing the central region transport network project, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance (financed by the Japan special fund) to the socialist republic of Vietnam for preparing the livelihood improvement in central ciastal provinces project, Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assistance (financed by the Japan special fund) to the socialist Republic of Viet Nam for preparing the second lower secondary education development project, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance (financed by the Japan special fund) to the Socilist Republic of Vietnam for preparing the Kunming-Haiphong corridor project, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance (financed by the poverty reduction cooperation fund) to the democtratic socialist republic of Sri Lanka for the psychosocial health in conflict-affected areas project., Asian Development Bank, 2004
- Technical assistance (financed by the poverty reduction cooperation fund) to the Kingdom of Cambodia for preventing poverty and empowering female garment workers affected by the changing international trade environment, Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assistance (Financed by the poverty reduction cooperation fund)to the lao people's democratic republic for capacity building for smallholder livestock systems, 2004
- Technical assistance (financed by the poverty reduction cooperation fund) to the lao people's democratic republic for the marketing support for organic produce of ethnic minorities project, 2004
- Technical assistance (financed by the poverty reduction cooperation fund) to the people's republic of China for poverty reduction in grassland improvement program, Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assistance (financed by the poverty reduction cooperation fund) to the socialist republic of Viet Nam for supporting the preparation of the law on gender equality., Asian Development Bank., 2004
- Technical assistance (financed by the poverty reduction cooperation fund) to the socialist Republic of Vietnam for transport service networks for the poor, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance (financed from Asian currency crisis suppport facility) to the Republic of Indonesia for preparing the local government capacity building for decentralization project, Asian Development Bank, 2001
- Technical assistance (financed from the Asian currency crisis support facility) to the Republic of Indonesia for commercialization of public service obligations, Asian Development Bank, 0000
- Technical assistance (financed from the Asian currency crisis support facility) to the republic of Indonesia for preparing the Urban poverty reduction project, Asian Development Bank, 2001
- Technical assistance (financed from the Bank-Funded TA Program) to the Islamic republic of Pakistan for the Multi-Donor support unit of the social action program., 1997
- Technical Assistance (financed from the Japan special fund), Asian Development Bank, 1997
- Technical assistance (Financed from the Japan special fund) for a regional study of health care financing for the poor, Asian Development Bank, 2001
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) for capacity building for national institutions involved in the greater Mekong subregion program, Asian Development Bank, 2001
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) for facilitating cross-border trade and investment for small and medium enterprise development in the greater Mekong subregion, Asian Development Bank, 2001
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) for facilitating economic cooperation in eastern parts of inner Mongolia autonomous region, people's Republic of China and Mongolia, Asian Development Bank , 2001
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) for national resettlement policy enhancement and capacity building, Asian Development Bank, 2000
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) for promoting subregional cooperation among kingdom of Cambodia, people's of China, Lao people's democratic republic, union of Myanmar, kingdom of Thailand and socialist republic of Viet Nam (phase IV-Year 2), Asian Development Bank, 2000
- Technical assistance (Financed from the Japan special fund) for regional economic cooperation in central Asia (Phase II-Year two), Asian Development Bank, 2000
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) for the eighth ADB tax conference, 1998
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) for the strategic study on development options for economic cooperation between the people's republic of China (PRC) and Mongolia in Eastern parts of inner Mongolia autonomous region, PRC and Mongolia, Asian Development Bank, 2000
- Technical assistance (Financed from the Japan special Fund) for the study of large dams and recommended practices, Asian Development Bank, 1998
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) for the study on the development of government bond markets in selected developing member countries, Asian Development Bank, 1998
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) for workshops on economic cooperation in central asia, 1997
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to India for the urban and environmental infrastructure fund, 1997
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to Mongolia for institutional strengthening of the housing sector, Asian Development Bank, 1998
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to Mongolia for preparing the crop production project, Asian Development Bank, 2001
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to Mongolia for the energy rehabilitation project, Asian Development Bank, 1998
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to Papua New Guinea for preparing the agro-industry development project, Asian Development Bank, 2000
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to Papua New Guinea for preparing the coastal fisheries management and development project, Asian Development Bank, 2000
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to Papua New Guinea for preparing the gender and population project, Asian Development Bank, 2001
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to Papua New Guinea for preparing the road authority development project, Asian Development Bank, 2001
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the democratic socialist republic of Sri Lanka for preparing the plantation development project, Asian Development Bank, 2000
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the Islamic republic of Pakistan for the north west frontier province urban development project, 1997
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the Kigdom of Thailand for the border towns urban development project, 1997
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the kingdom of Bhutan for capacity building in the urban sector, 1998
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the Kingdom of Bhutan for institutional development of the department of employment and labor, Asian Development Bank, 2001
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the kingdom of Bhutan for preparing the road transport network development project, Asian Development Bank, 1998
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the kingdom of Cambodia for building capacity in tourism planning, Asian Development Bank, 2000
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the kingdom of Cambodia for preparing the financial sector development program, Asian Development Bank, 2000
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the Kingdom of Cambodia for preparing the rural water supply and sanitation project, Asian Development Bank, 2001
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the kingdom of Nepal for agriculture sector performance review, Asian Development Bank, 2000
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the kingdom of Nepal for institutional reforms in the agriculture sector, Asian Development Bank, 1998
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the kingdom of Nepal for strengthening the national statistical system, Asian Development Bank, 2000
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the kingdom of Thailand for the development of agriculture sector strategy and policy, Asian Development Bank, 2001
- Technical assistance (Financed from the Japan special fund) to the kongdom of Nepal for the fourth road improvement project, 1997
- Technical assistance (Financed from the Japan special fund) to the Kyrgyz republic for preparing the skill and entrepreneurship development project, Asian Development Bank, 1998
- Technical assistance (Financed from the Japan special fund) to the Lao people's democratic republic for preparing the financial sector development program, Asia Development Bank, 2001
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the lao people`s democratic republic for preparing the northern area rural power distribution project, Asian Development Bank, 1998
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the Lao people's Democratic Republic for preparing the northern economic corridor project, Asian Development Bank, 2001
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the Lao people's democratic Republic for preparing the tree plantation for livelihood improvement project, Asian Development Bank, 2001
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the Lao people's Democratic Republic for the primary health care expansion project, Asian Development Bank, 1998
- Technical assistance financed from the Japan special fund) to the Lao people's Democratic Republic for the road infrastructure for rural development project, Asian Development Bank, 1998
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the lao People's democrtatic republic for the rural access roads improvement project, Asian Development Bank, 1997
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the lao people's demogratic republic for strengthening social and environmental management, Asian Development Bank, 1998
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the loa people's democratic republic for support for urban development administration authorities, Asian Development Bank, 1997
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the people's Republic of Bangladesh for preparing the primary education sector improvement project, Asian Development Bank, 2001
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the people's Republic of Bangladesh for preparing the urban governance and infastructure improvement project, Asian Development Bank, 2001
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the people's republic of Bangladesh for the organizational reform of Bangladesh railway, phase III, Asian Development Bank, 2000
- Technical assistance (Financed from the Japan special fund) to the peoples republic of Bangladesh for the ports upgrading project, 1997
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the people's republic of China for capacity building for social assessments, Asian Development Bank, 2000
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the people's republic of China for policy support for the PRC 2020 project, Asian Development Bank, 1997
- Technical assistance (Financed from the Japan Special Fund) to the people's Republic of China for preparing the chongqing-guizhou expressway project, Asian Development Bank, 1998
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the people's republic of China for preparing the Ganzhou-Longyan railway project, Asian Development Bank, 2000
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the people's republic of China for preparing the Hebei province wastewater treatment project, Asian Development Bank, 2000
- Technical assistance (financed from the japan special fund) to the people's Republic of China for the hohhot urban development project, 1997
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the peoples republic of China for the power rehabilitation and environmental improvement project, 1998
- Technical assistance (financed from the japan special fund) to the peoples republic of china for the regulatory framework for the engagement of consultants, Asian Development Bank, 1998
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the Republic of Azerbaijan for preparing the flood mitigation project, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the Republic of Azerbaijan for preparing the urban water supply and sanitation project, Asian Development Bank, 2001
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the Republic of Indonesia for implementing a regulatory framework for the gas industry, 1997
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the Republic of Indonesia for preparing the second decentralized health services project, Asian Development Bank, 2001
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the Republic Of Indonesia for the capacity-building project in community development, 1997
- Technical assistance (Financed from the Japan special fund) to the republic of Indonesia for the higher education sector project, 1997
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the republic of Maldives for capacity building for the Maldives customs service, Asian Development Bank, 2000
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the Republic of Maldives for the atoll development project, Asian Development Bank, 1997
- Technical assistance (Financed from the Japan Special Fund) to the republic of Tajikistan for preparing the agriculture rehabilitation project, Asian Development Bank, 2000
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the Republic of Tajikistan for preparing the second road rehabilitation project, Asian Development Bank, 2001
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the Republic of Tajikistan for preparing the social development project, Asian Development Bank, 2001
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the republic of Tajikistan for the strategy for improved flood management, Asian Development Bank, 2000
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the republic of the Philippines for preparing the integrated coastal resource management project, Asian Development Bank, 2001
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the republic of the Philippines for preparing the microfinance for rural development project, Asian Development Bank, 2001
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the Republic of the Philippines for the mindanao urban planning and basic services sector project, 1998
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the republic of the Philippines for the transport infrastructure and capacity development project, 1997
- Technical assistance (Financed from the Japan special fund) to the republic of Uzbekistan for preparing the grain productivity improvement project, Asian Development Bank, 1998
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the Republic of Vanuatu for performance improvements to service delivery units, Asian Development Bank, 2001
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the socialist republic of Viet Nam for low-income housing and secondary towns urban development needs assessment study, Asian Development Bank, 2000
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the socialist Republic of Viet Nam for preparing the central region urban development project, Asian Development Bank, 2001
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the socialist republic of Vietnam for preparing the financial markets development program, Asian Development Bank, 1998
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the socialist republic of Vietnam for preparing the provincial roads improvement project, Asian Development Bank, 2000
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the socialist Republic of Vietnam for preparing the rural health project, Asian Development Bank, 1998
- Technical assistance (financed from the Japan special fund) to the socialist republic of Viet Nam for the tree crops development project, 1997
- Technical assistance {Financed from the Japan special fund} to the sosialist republic of Viet Nam for the second red river basin water resources sector project, Asian Development Bank, 0000
- Technical assistance(Financed from the Japan special fund) to the sosialist republic of Viet Nam for training for rural infrastructure development, 1997
- Technical assistance (Finance from the Japan special fund) to the people's republic of China for preparing a coalbed methane demonstation project, Asian Development Bank, 1998
- Technical assistance for a comparative assesment of economic development in central Asia, Asian Development Bank, 2000
- Technical assistance for alternative negotiating arrangements to increase fisheries revenues in the Pacifis], Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assistance for a regional training training course on course on reducing distribution system water loses in developing member countries, 1997
- Technical assistance for assessing private sector development outcomes in projects, Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assistance for assessing the impact of transport and energy infrastructure on poverty reduction, Asian Development Bank, 2000
- Technical assistance for a study for a regional power trade operating agreement in the Greater Mekong subregion, Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assistance for a study on Asian exports : past trends and future prospects, 1997
- Technical assistance for a study on regional integration and trade : emerging policy issues for selected developing member countries, Asian Development Bank, 2001
- Technical assistance for central asian countries initiative for land management (cofinance by the global environment facility and the global mechanism), Asian Development Bank, 2005
- Technical assistance for central asian countries initiative for land management (cofinance by the global environment facility and the global mechanism)., Asian Development Bank, 2005
- Technical assistance for decentralization in social sectors., Asian Development Bank, 2004
- Technical assistance for developing and implementing the Pacific plan for strengthening regional cooperation and integration (Financed by the Japan special fund)., 2005
- Technical assistance for enhancing municipal service delivery capability in selected DMCs, 1997
- Technical assistance for formulating and implementing an intergovernmental agreement of the Shanghai cooperation organization member states on facilitation of intenational road transport., 2004
- Technical assistance for greater Mekong subregion Phnom Penh Plan for development management II, Asian Development Bank, 2005
- Technical assistance for identification and prioritization of subregional projects in South Asia, Asian Development Bank, 2000
- Technical assistance for implementing the agreement for facilitation of the cross-border transport of goods and people in the greater Mekong subregion-phase 1, Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assistance for improving deliverty of infrastructure services., Asian Development Bank, 2005
- Technical assistance for insolvensy law reform, 1998
- Technical assistance for people's republic of China for the evalution of environmental policy and investment for..., Asian Development Bank ; Asian Development Bank, 2004
- Technical assistance for preparing a Pacific governance strategy, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance for preparing a pro-poor subregional e-government project for providing basic service delivery to remote communities in the Pacific, Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assistance for preparing the grater mekong subregion : Rehabilitation of the railway in Cambodia (financed by the Japan special fund).Asian Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, 2005
- Technical assistance for preparing the greater Mekong subregion southerncoastal corridor project (financed by the Japan special fund), Asian Development Bank, 2005
- Technical assistance for preparing the subregional transport connectivity project (India), Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assistance for promoting good governance in East and central Asia, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance for promoting partnerships to accelerate agriculture development and poverty reduction in the Greater Mekong subregion, Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assistance for promoting south asian regional economic cooperation, 2004
- Technical assistance for promoting subregional cooperation among Cambodia, people's Republic of China Lao people's democratic Republic, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam (phase III), Asian Development Bank, 1996
- Technical assistance for regional economic cooperation in Central Asia (Phase II-Year Three), Asian Development Bank, 2001
- Technical assistance for Rural, Urban, and subregional linkages in the Mekong region : a holistic approach to development and poverty reduction, Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assistance for secured transactions law reform, 1998
- Technical assistance for small and medium sized enterprise growth and development in the South Asia region, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance for small and medium-size enterprise growth and development in the Mekong region, Asian Development Bank, 2000
- Technical assistance for socioeconomic impact of read crashes (financed by the poverty reduction cooperation fund)., Asian Development Bank, 2005
- Technical assistance for south Asia subregional cooperation II, Asian Development Bank, 2001
- Technical assistance for special studies on selected operational issues and impact evaluation study of rural roads in the greater mekong subregion, 1997
- Technical assistance for strengthening results-based management for sector agencies, Asian Development Bank , 2002
- Technical assistance for strengthening subregional cooperation in the transport sector of the EAGA and the IMT-GT regions, Asian Development Bank, 2001
- Technical assistance for strengthening the greater mekong subregion economic cooperation program, 2004
- Technical assistance for strengthening the regional training capability of the South Pasific association of supreme audit institutions, Asian Development Bank , 2002
- Technical assistance for support for the mekong river commission flood management and mitigation program, Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assistance for the 1998 orientation program for officials of the bank's developing member countries, Asian Development Bank, 1998
- Technical assistance for the 1998 seminars on project implementation and administration, Asian Development Bank, 1998
- Technical assistance for the 2000 - 2002 orientation program for officials of ADB's developing member countries, Asian Development Bank, 2000
- Technical assistance for the ADB-OSI Central Asia education cooperation network, Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assistance for the Chiang Rai-Kunming road improvement via lao pdr project, Asian Development Bank, 1997
- Technical assistance for the demographic and health survey in pacific island countries., Asian Development Bank, 2005
- Technical assistance for the eleventh workshop on Asian economic outlook, Asian Development Bank, 1999
- Technical assistance for the greater Mekong subregion Phnom Penh for development management, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance for the greater mekong subregion tourism sector strategy, Asian Development Bank, 2004
- Technical assistance for the greater silk road initiative, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance for the greater silk road initiative 2005, Asian Development Bank, 2004
- Technical assistance for the pacific regional transport analysis, Asian Development Bank, 2004
- Technical assistance for the regional trade facilitation and customs cooperation program (phase II)., Asian Development Bank, 2004
- Technical assistance for the second asian development bank-international monetary fund institute course on macroeconomic and structural policies, Asian Development Bank, 1996
- Technical assistance for the South Asia subregional economic cooperation tourism development plan, Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assistance for the strategic environmental framework for the greater mekong subregion, Asian Development Bank, 1998
- Technical assistance for the tenth workshop on Asian economic outlook, Asian Development Bank, 1997
- Technical assistance greater mekong subregion: development study of the north south economic..., 2006
- Technical assistance implementation of the greater Mekong subregion cross-border transport agreement : (cofinanced by the people's Republik of China regional cooperation and poverty reduction fund), Asian Development Bank, 2006
- Technical assistance India : development of road agencies in the north eastern states., Asian Development Bank, 2005
- Technical assistance islamic republic of Afghanistan : building the capacity of the ministry of commerce for trade and transit facilitation., Asian Development Bank, 2005
- Technical assistance islamic republic of Afghanistan : preparing the commercial agriculture development project., Asian Development Bank, 2005
- Technical assistance islamic republic of Pakistan : preparing the bahawalpur rural development project, phase II., Asian Development Bank, 2005
- Technical assistance islamic republic of Pakistan : preparing the mega City sustainable development project, Asian Development Bank, 2005
- Technical assistance Lao people's democratic republic : promoting governance in financial transactions (cofinanced by the government of Luxembourg), Asian Development Bank, 2006
- Technical assistance maintenance of regional road transport corridors project (Financed by the Japan special fund), Asian Development Bank, 2006
- Technical assistance pacific financial technical assistance centre 2005-2008., Asian Development Bank, 2005
- Technical assistance people's republic of Bangladesh: Preparing the good governance project, 2006
- Technical assistance people's republic of China : energy conservation and resource management., Asian Development Bank, 2005
- Technical assistance people's republic of China ; provincial developemtn strategy of selected provinces in Northwestern region, Asian Development Bank, 2005
- Technical assistance people's republic of China : railway passenger and freight policy reform study., Asian Development Bank, 2005
- Technical assistance public policy training program 2006 (financed by the Japan fund for public policy training)., Asian Development Bank, 2005
- Technical assistance regional seminars on anticorruption 2006-2007, 2006
- Technical assistance republic of the Fiji Islands : preparing the renewable power sector development project, Asian Development Bank, 2006
- Technical assistance rolling out air quality management in Asia (financed by the Government of Finland), Asian Development Bank, 2005
- Technical assistance socialist republic of vietnam : power market design, Asian Development Bank, 2006
- Technical assistance strengthening economic and financial monitoring in selected ASEAN+3 countries., Asian Development Bank, 2005
- Technical assistance to Afghanistan for the energy sector review and gas development master plan, Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assistance to India for development of secondary debt market, Asian Development Bank, 2000
- Technical assistance to India for preparing the karnataka urban infrastructure development project II., Asian Development Bank, 2004
- Technical Assistance to India for preparing the Mahdya Pradesh state road development project, Asian Development Bank, 2001
- Technical assistance to India for preparing the national highways sector II project, Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assistance to India for preparing the north-south corridor development project in west Bengal, Asian Development Bank, 1998
- Technical assistance to India for preparing the uttaranchal state roads project., Asian Development Bank, 2005
- Technical assistance to India for reducing poverty in Urban India, Asian Development Bank, 2000
- Technical assistance to India for reform of the mutual funds industry, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance to India for restructuring state-level housing institutios, Asian Development Bank, 1998
- Technical assistance to India for supporting fiscal reforms in Kerala, Asian Development Bank, 2000
- Technical assistance to India for the strengthening housing finance institutions project, Asian Development Bank, 1997
- Technical assistance to Malaysia for upgrading the labor market information system, 1996
- Technical assistance to Malaysia for upgrading the labor market information system, Asian Development Bank, 1996
- Technical assistance to Nauru for the reform of the Nauru phosphate corporation (Financed by the government of Australia)., Asian Development Bank, 2005
- Technical assistance to Papua New Guinea for fisheries management and industry support, 1996
- Technical assistance to Papua Newguinea for preparation of the road uparading and maintenance project, 1998
- Technical assistance to Solomon islands for implementation of interisland transport reforms., Asian Development Bank, 2005
- Technical assistance to the ..., Asian Development Bank, 1995
- Technical assistance to the cook islands for legal and institutional strengthening of environmental management, Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assistance to the democratic socialist Republic of Srilangka for the second smallholder tea development project, Asian Development Bank, 1997
- Technical assistance to the democratic socialist republic of Sri Lanka for strengthening project performance evaluation capability of the ministry of plan implementation, ethnic affairs and national integration, 1997
- Technical assistance to the efficiency enhancement of fiscal management, Asian Development Bank, 1998
- Technical assistance to the federated states of Micronesia for improving access to laws, Asian Development Bank, 2000
- Technical assistance to the federated states of Micronesia for the preparation of a country economic report, Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assistance to the grater mekong subregion : preparing the sustainable tourism development project., Asian Development Bank, 2005
- Technical assistance to the independent state of Samoa for implementation of the public finance management act of 2001, Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assistance to the independent state of Samoa for the implementation of state-owned enterprise reforms, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance to the India for capacity building for project management and community mobilization in Madhya Pradesh, Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical Assistance to the India for the agribusiness and commercial agriculture assessment, Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assistance to the islamic republic of Afghanistan for cross-border trade and transport facilitation., Asian Development Bank, 2004
- Technical assistance to the islamic republic of Pakistan for capacitiy building for environmental management in sindh., Asian Development Bank, 2004
- Technical assistance to the Kingdom of Bhutan for housing sector reform, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance to the kingdom of Bhutan for strengthening of the payment and settelement system, 2004
- Technical assistance to the Kingdom of cambodia for capacity building of the Inland fisheries research and development institue II., 2005
- Technical assistance to the Kingdom of Cambodia for capacity building of the inland fisheries research and development institute, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance to the Kingdom of Cambodia for community self-reliance and flood risk reduction (financed by the poverty reduction cooperation fund), Asian Development Bank, 0000
- Technical assistance to the Kingdom of Cambodia for community self-reliance and flood risk reduction (financed by the poverty reduction cooperation fund)., Asian Development Bank, 0000
- Technical assistance to the kingdom of Cambodia for institutional strengthening and expanding EIA capacity, Asian Development Bank, 1996
- Technical assistance to the kingdom of Cambodia for strengthening external aid portfolio management, 1999
- Technical assistance to the kingdom of Cambodia for the study of the influence of built structures on the fisheries of the tonle sap (financed by the government of finland)., Asian Development Bank, 2005
- Technical assistance to the Kingdom of Cambodia for the transport network improvement project, 1996
- Technical assistance to the Kingdom of Cambodia, people's republic of China, Lao people's democratic republic, Kingdom of Thailand, and socialist republic of Viet Nam for transboundary animal disease..., Asian Development Bank, 2004
- Technical assistance to the kingdom of Nepal for company, insolvency, and secured transactions law reform, Asian Development Bank, 2000
- Technical assistance to the Kingdom of Nepal for preparing the community livestock development project, Asian Development Bank , 2002
- Technical assistance to the Kingdom of Nepal for strengthening institutional capacity for public debt management, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance to the kingdom of Thailand for capacity building for pollution taxation and resource mobilization for environment and natural resources sectors-phase II., Asian Development Bank, 2005
- Technical assistance to the kingdom of Thailand for commercial financing for local government units., 2005
- Technical assistance to the Kingdom of Thailand for pension system design, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance to the Kingdom of Tonga for business development services, Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assistance to the Kingdom of Tonga for integrated strategic planning, medium-term fiscal framework and budgeting., 2004
- Technical assistance to the Kingdom of Tonga for the rationalization of public enterprises, Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assistance to the Kyrgiz Republic for capacity building in savings and credit unions and microfinancial systems, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance to the Kyrgyz Republic for strengthening the capacity to manage and monitor externally assisted projects, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance to the Kyrgyz republic for the econd road rehabilitation project, 1997
- Technical assistance to the Lao people's democratic republic for capacity building for primary health care, Asian Development Bank, 2000
- Technical assistance to the Lao people's democratic republic for preparing the greater mekong subtrgion: nam Theun 2 hydropower development project phase 11, Asian Development Bank, 2004
- Technical assistance to the Lao People's Democratic Republic for strengthening decentralized education management, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance to the Lao people's Democratic Republic for the institutional strengthening of the national audit office, Asian Development Bank, 2001
- Technical assistance to the Lao people's democratic republic for the small towns water supply and sanitation project, 0000
- Technical assistance to the Mekong/Lancang river tourism planning study, 1997
- Technical assistance to the national housing bank and the development finance corporation of India for a study on the development of an agency to facilitate issuance of residential mortgage-backed securities ..., Asian Development Bank, 2005
- Technical assistance to the people's republic of China for energy development strategy for the inner Mongolia autonomous region., 2004
- Technical assistance to the people`s republic of China for policies and strategies for sustainable development of the lancang river basin, Asian Development Bank, 1998
- Technical assistance to the people`s republic of China for strengthening the government auditing system, Asian Development Bank, 1998
- Technical assistance to the Republic of Cambodia for improving insurance supervision, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance to the Republic of India for financial management support to Kheda and Rajkot distribution profit centers of the Gujarat electricity board, 1996
- Technical assistance to the Republic of India for the solicitation private sector implementation of the chhara combined cycle power project, Asian Development Bank, 1996
- Technical assistance to the republic of Indonesia for a governance audit of the public prosecution service, Asian Development Bank, 2000
- Technical assistance to the republic of Indonesia for corporate governance reform, Asian Development Bank, 2000
- Technical assistance to the Republic of Indonesia for developing leading indicators for poverty monitoring, Asian Development Bank, 2001
- Technical assistance to the Republic of Indonesia for facilitating private sector participation in ports infrastructure under decentralization, Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assistance to the Republic of Indonesia for fiscal decentralization, Asian Development Bank, 2001
- Technical assistance to the republic of Indonesia for preparing the second community and local government support sector project., Asian Development Bank, 2005
- Technical assistance to the republic of Indonesia for the marine and fisheries sector strategy study., 2004
- Technical assistance to the Republic of Indonesia for the subregional transport cooperation initiative, Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assistance to the republic of Kazakstan for public information and education in support of pension reform, Asian Development Bank , 1998
- Technical assistance to the republic of Tajikistan for local government finance capacity building (cofinanced by the governance cooperation fund)., Asian Development Bank, 2005
- Technical assistance to the Republic of the Fiji Islands for preparing the alternative livelihoods project, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance to the republic of the maldives for developing a results-oriented 7th national development plan (Financed by the formulation and implementation of national poverty reduction strategis)., Asian Development Bank, 2005
- Technical assistance to the Republic of the Maldives for strengthening of debt management, Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assistance to the republic of the marshall island for strengthening census and survey capability, Asian Development Bank, 1999
- Technical assistance to the republic of the Philippines for harmonization and managing for results., Asian Development Bank, 2005
- Technical assistance to the Republic of the Philippines for institutional strengthening of the Department of Social Welfare and Development, 1997
- Technical assistance to the republic of the Philippines for instutional strengthening of the insurance commission, Asian Development Bank, 1998
- Technical assistance to the Republic of the Philippines for regional capability building and governance for an expanded autonomous region of Muslim Mindanao, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance to the Republic of the Philippines for the pasig river environmental management and rehabilitation project, Asian Development Bank, 1997
- Technical assistance to the republic of the Philippines for the support for health sector reform., Asian Development Bank, 2005
- Technical assistance to the republic of Ubekistan for pension reform, Asian Development Bank, 1998
- Technical assistance to the republic of Uzbekistan for agriculture sector review and planning, Asian Development Bank, 2004
- Technical assistance to the republic of Uzbekistan for a transport sector strategy (2006-2020) (financed by the Japan special fund)., Asian Development Bank, 2005
- Technical assistance to the Republic of Uzbekistan for developing a management information system for Uzbek telecom, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance to the Republic of Uzbekistan for enterprise restructuring and corporate governance, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance to the republic of Uzbekistan for financeial sector infransructure development (financed by the Japan special fund)., 2005
- Technical assistance to the Republic of Uzbekistan for the Railways development project, 1997
- Technical Assistance to the Republic of Vanuatu for Institutional Support to Central Agencies for the Comprehensive Reform Program, 1998
- Technical assistance to the republic of Vanuatu for institutional support to central agencies for the comprehensive reform program-phase III, Asian Development Bank, 2000
- Technical assistance to the republic of Vanuatu for rural and microfinance outreach, Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assistance to the Republic of Vanuatu for the institutional strengthening of the national statistics office, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance to the republikc of indonesia for regulatory reform of the insurance industry, Asian Development Bank, 1998
- Technical assistance to the socialist Republic of Viet Nam for capacity building for nonbank financial institutions and the capital market, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance to the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam for early childhood development for the poor, Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assistance to the socialist republic of Viet Nam for implementing the regulatory and supervisory framework for microfinance (financed by the poverty reduction cooperation fund)., Asian Development Bank, 2005
- Technical assistance to the socialist Republic of Viet Nam for preparing the northern power transmission project, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assistance to the socialist republic of Viet Nam for preparing the song bung 4 hydropower project phase II (Cofinanced by the Japan special fund and government of France)., Asian Development Bank, 2005
- Technical assistance to the socialist Republic of Viet Nam for the assessment and strengthening of coastal management institutions, Asian Development Bank, 2002
- Technical assitance (financed by the Japan special fund) for strengthening regional networking for small and medium-sized enterprises in Brunei-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East Asean growth area, Asian Development Bank, 2003
- Technical assitance Kingdom og Nepal :' regional development strategy, Asian Development Bank, 2005
- Technical assitance promoting best practices in private sector participation in urban ifrastructure in South Asia, Asian Development Bank, 2006
- Technical asssistance for regional economic cooperation in central asia (phase II), Asian Development Bank, 1998
- Technical basic, Kassab, Vincent, 1984
- Technical books 1971-1972, 1972
- Technical briefing : making multiple-objective decisions, Mollaghasemi, Mansooreh ; Pet-Edwards, Julia, 1997
- Technical calculus, Calter, Paul, 1988
- Technical calculus with analytic geometry, Washington, Allyn J., 0000
- Technical college physics, Wilson, Jerry D., 1987
- Technical co-operation in latin-American agriculture, Mosher, Arthur T., 1957
- Technical documentation, 1997
- Technical drawing, Abbott, W, 1976
- Technical drawing and engineering communication, 6th ed, David L. Goetsch ... [et all], 2010
- Technical english : for general purpose, students and university, Sugiyono, 2006
- Technical English : writing, reading and speaking, Pickett, Nell Ann, 1984
- Technical ilustration and graphics, Mramek, Jan, 1983
- Technical information sources : a guide to patent specifications, standards and technical reports literature, Hougton, Bernard, 1972
- Technical innovation and British economic performance: a science policy research unix sussex, Pavitt, Keith, 1980
- Technical mathematics, Chew, AL H. ; Little, Richard L.;Little, Sherry B., 1976
- Technical mathematics, Austin, Jacqueline C. ; Gill, Jack C.;Isern, Margarita, 1988
- Technical mathematics, Calter, Paul, 1983
- Technical mathematics I, McHale, Thomas J. ; Paul T. Witzke, 1988
- Technical mathematics with calculus, Calter, Paul, 1984
- Technical note social analysis for transport projects, Asian Development Bank, 2008
- Technical physics, Sullivan, James F., 1988
- Technical physics, Bueche, Frederick, 1985
- Technical physics, Green, Clarence R., 1984
- Technical Physics, Bueche, Frederick ; wallach, David L, 1994
- Technical, science and social science catalogue 1982/83, Butterworths, [s.a
- Technical shop mathematics, Anderson, John G., 1982
- Technical training and capacity building for selected ASEAN+3 countries on regional economic and financial monitoring : (financed by people's Republic of China regional cooperation and poverty reduction fund and the Japan special fund), 2006
- Technical writing for success, 3rd, Smith-Worthington ; Jefferson, 2011
- Technical writing for teams the stream tools handbook, Mamishev, Alexander V. ; Sean D. Williams, 2010
- Technical writing : purpose, process, and form, Warren, Thomas L., 1985
- Technicques in Physics 10 : Group theory in physics, Cornwell, J. F, 1989
- Techniqsues of financial analysis : a guide to value creation, Helfert, Erich A, 2003
- Technique and principles in language teaching, Larsen-Freeman, Diane, 2000
- Technique and treatment with-wire edgewise appliances, Jarabak, Joseph R. ; Fizzell, James A., 1972
- Technique of executive control, Schell, Erwin Haskell, 1957
- Technique of the neurologic examination: a programmed text, DeMyer, William, 1974
- Technique of the neurologic examination. Ed. 5, DeMyer, William E, 2004
- Techniques and applications of thin layer chromatography, Touchstone, Joseph;Sherma, Joseph, 1985
- Techniques and experiments for organic chemistry, Ault, Addison, 1986
- Techniques and procedures in animal science research, 1969
- Techniques for construction network scheduling, Stevens, James D., 1990
- Techniques for improving educational radio programmes, Theroux, James M., 1978
- Techniques for molecular biology, Editor D. Tagu and C. Moussard, 2003
- Techniques for plant electron microscopy, Juniper, B.E. ; Cox, G.C.;Gilchrist, A.J.;Williams, P.R., 1970
- Techniques for providing feeback on students' writing, Harefa, Yulianus, 1999
- Techniques for the automated optimation of HPLC separations, Berridge, John C., 1986
- Techniques for the study of biological structure and function, Cantor, Charles R. ; Schimmel, Paul Reinhard, 1980
- Techniques for the study of ion-molecule reactions, Farrar, James ; Saunders, William, 1988
- Techniques in bioproductivity and photosynthesis, Coombs, John, 1986
- Techniques in clinical endodontics, Gerstein, Harold, 1983
- Techniques in clinical nursing, Kozier, Barbara, 1989
- Techniques in diagsnostic radiology, Whitehouse, G. H.; Worhington, B. S., 1983
- Techniques in musculoskeletal rehabilitation : companion handbook, Goodyer, Paul, 2001
- Techniques in protein chemistry II, Villafranca, Joseph J., 1991
- Techniques in somatic cell genetics, Shay, Jerry W., 1982
- Techniques in vascular surgery, Cooley, Denton A. ; Wukasch, Don C., 1979
- Techniques of attitude scale construction, Edwards, Allen L, 1957
- Techniques of dairy plant testing, Goss, Emery F., 1953
- Techniques of financial analysis, Helfert, Erich A., 1982
- Techniques of financial analysis : a guide to value creation, Helfert, Erich A., 2000
- Techniques of interior design rendering and presentation, Leach, Sid Del Mar, 1978
- Techniques of international trade, Rosenthal, Morris S., 1950
- Techniques of leadership, Uris, Auris, 1964
- Techniques of leadership, Uris, Auren, 1964
- Techniques of multivariate calculation, Farrell, Roger H., 1929-, 1976
- Techniques of organizational change, Michael, Stephen R., 1981
- Techniques of organizational change, Michael, Stephen R., 1981
- Techniques of population analysis, Barclay, George W., 1958
- Techniques of pregnancy history analysis, Bogue, Donald J. ; Boque, Elizabeth J., 1970
- Techniques of retail merchandising, Wingate, John W., 1950
- Techniques of scenario planning, Chandler, John ; Cockle, Paul, 1982
- Technische hochschule hannover, Hochschulfuhrer, 1957
- Technische mechanik, Marguerre, K., 1967
- Technological and professional skills development sector project (TPSDP)- Batch I : sub-project proposal Universitas Sumatera Utara chemistry study program, Indonesia. Directorate General of Higher Education, 2001
- Technological change : its conception and measurement, Lave, Lester B., 1966
- Technological frontiers and foreign relations, Keatley, Anne G., 1985
- Technological innovation, regulation and the monetary economy, 1986
- Technological progers and its efects on icome distribution and employment in rural, areas: a case study in three villages in west Java, Indonesia, Kasryno, Faisal, 1981
- Technological transformation of agriculture : a study from Assam, Bezbaruah, M.P., 1994
- Technologist guide to mamography, Egan, Robert L., 1968
- Technology and copyright law : a guidebook for the library, research, and teaching professions, Bielefield, Arlene, 1999
- Technology and economic interpendence, Johnson, Harry G., 1975
- Technology and economic policy, Landau, Ralph;Jorgenson, Dale W., 1986
- Technology and international relations, Hieronmy, Otto, 1987
- Technology and jobs : automation in perspective, Jaffe, A. J. ; Froomkin, Joseph, 1968
- Technology and Poverty Reduction in Asia and the Pasific, Macedo, Jorge Braga de ; Chino, Tadao, 2002
- Technology and society, Ratnam, K.J, 1985
- Technology and underdevelopment, Stewart, Frances, 1978
- Technology and woman's work, Baker, Elizabeth Faulkner, 1964
- Technology crossing borders : of international technology flows, Stobaugh, Robert;Wells, Louis T., 1984
- Technology, duality and foreign trade, Kohli, Ulrich, 1991
- Technology entrepreneurship : creating, capturing, and protecting value, Duening, Thomas N. ; Robert D. Hisrich and Michael A. Lecther, 2010
- Technology for motor mechanics : part 1 (first year) tools and materials, Mudd, S. C., 1972
- Technology for motor mechanics part 2 (first year) vehicle and electrical technology, Mudd, S. C., 1972
- Technology for motor mechanics part 3 (second year), Mudd, S. C., 1972
- Technology for motor mechanics part 4, Mudd, S. C., 1971
- Technology in America : a brief history, Marcus, Alan I. ; Segal, Howard P., 1989
- Technology in America : a history of individuals and ideas, Pursell, Carroll W., 1990
- Technology leadership : a revolution in the making, Pillai, A. Sivathanu, 2005
- Technology, management and society, Drucker, Peter F., 1958
- Technology management : text and international cases, Harrison, Norma ; Samson, Danny, 2002
- Technology of machine tools, Krar, S. F. ; Oswald, James William;Amand, J. E. St., 1984
- Technology of machine tools, Krar, Steve F. ; Arthur R. Gill : Peter Smid, 2006
- Technology of machine tools, Krar, S.F. ; Oswald, J,W, ;Amand, J.E.St, 1984
- Technology policy and economic performance, Freeman, Christopher, 1987
- Technology solutions for growing businesses, Ray, Ramon, 2004
- Technology transfeer: geographic, economic, cultural, and technical dimensions, Samli, A. Coskun, 1985
- Technology transfer and development : implications for developing Asia, Seminar on Technology Transfer and Development (1993 ; Bangkok), 1992
- Techtv's starting an online business, Fiore, Frank, 2001
- Tecnical assistance for the pacific financial technical assistance centre, Asian Development Bank, 1998
- Tecnical assistance to the republic of the philippines for strengthening public finance and planning of local government units (LGUs), Asian Development Bank, 0000
- Tecnological and professional skills development project (TPSDP) : self evolution report Universitas Sumatera Utara, Universitas Sumatera Utara, 2000
- Tedeh-tedeh perukuren (dambaan hati nurani), Tarigan, Henry Guntur, 1990
- Teen library events : a month-by-month guide, Edwards, Kirsten, 2002
- Teeth, Hillson, Simon, 1986
- Teeth are our organs : teeth are closely connected with our lives because they affect brain & central nervous system, Muratsu, Kazumasa, 2009
- Tegakkan hukum gunakan hukum, Nitibaskara, Ronny Rahman, 2006
- Tegakkan tauhid tumbangkan syirik, Muhammad, 2000
- Tegak sebab didirikan di atas batu : khotbah-khotbah tentang bagaimana bertahan dalam iman di tengah tantangan, Darmaputera, Eka, 2005
- Tegangan geser pada balok beton, Umar, Ali, 1997
- Tegangan mesh dan tegangan langkah sistem pembumian grid pada dua lapisan tanah, Pane, Zulkarnaen ; Kasim, Surya Tarmizi, 1998
- Tegangan permukaan, Arifin, Zairul, 1997
- Teguh Karya & teater populer 1968-1993, Riantiarno, N., 1993
- Teguh-tenang menempuh gelombang I, Kosasih, R.A., 1962
- Teh instan, Badan Standarisasi Nasional, 2009
- Teh kering dalam kemasan, Badan Standarisasi Nasional, 2009
- Teh minuman yang menyehatkan tubuh, Siregar, Ameilia Zuliyanti, 2012
- Tehnical Assistance For The Turkmenistan-Pakistan Natural Gas Pipeline Project (phase II), Asian Develoment Bank, 0000
- Tehnical assistance South Asia subregional economic cooperation III, 2005
- Tehnical calculus with analytic geometry, Washington, Allyn J., 1980
- Tehnik dan nilai aspirasi nasopharynx, Lubis, Nahjib Dahlan, 1989
- Tehnik dasar pemberian obat bagi perawat, Priharjo, Robert ; Asih, Ni Luh Gede Yasmin, 1995
- Tehnik eksisi, Partogi, Donna, 2008
- Tehnik Eksplorasi 1, Sudarno, Ign ; Wahyono Sumarinda, Imam;Sukandarrumidi, 1981
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- Tehnik strategi ekspor, Nasution, Chairuddin, 1994
- Tehnik Tegangan Tinggi, Abduh, Syamsir, 2001
- Teh tinjauan produksi dan pemasarannya = tea a review of its production and marketing, Bank Bumi Daya, 1980
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- Tekanan Amerika terhadap Indonesia : kajian atas kebijakan luar negeri clinton terhadap Indonesia, Cipto, Bambang, 2003
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- Tinjauan sistem tenaga listrik dalam keadaan stationer, Hasibuan, A. Racman ; Chan, Risnidar, 1984
- Tinjauan sosial ekonomi budidaya karet di Sumatera Timur, Daulay, J. Fachruddin, 1994
- Tinjauan sosiologi hukum tentang pelaksanaan hak asasi manusia di Indonesia, Herlinda, Erna, 2001
- Tinjauan sosiologis terhadap birokrasi pembangunan, Yulia, Syamsiar, 1997
- Tinjauan sosiologis terhadap novel sekayu karya N. H. Dini, Nasution, Ikhwanuddin, 1997
- Tinjauan struktur gen GnRH (Gonadotropin releasing Hormone) pada penderita "HIPOGONADOTROPIK HIPOGONADISME", Ilyas, Syafruddin, 1996
- Tinjauan tema dan amanat serta latar dan tokoh tenggelammnya kapal Van Der Wijk dan salah asuhan, Esten, Mursal, 1985
- Tinjauan tentang gugatan class actions dan legal standing di peradilan tata usaha negara, Herlinda, Erna, 2004
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- Tinjauan tentang medicare dan medicaid, Zulfendri, 1995
- Tinjauan tentang pekerja anak di stasiun kereta api Tebing Tinggi, Atika, Tuti, 2006
- Tinjauan tentang pemakaian istilah-istilah dalam beberapa buku matematika dari sudut bahas Inggris, Bangun, Hidup, 1981
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- Tinjauan tentang pengelolaan hutan mangrove dengan sistem Tumpangsari (Silvofishery), Damanik, Revandy Iskandar M., 1996
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- Tinjauan tentang perkawinan dibawah umur menurut Undang-Undang no 1 tahun 1974, Ginting, Malem, 1999
- Tinjauan teologis tentang kemitraan perempuan dan laki-laki, Sinulingga, Risnawaty, 1999
- Tinjauan teori, konsep dan praktek manajemen keuanagan, Hamidah, 1996
- Tinjauan teoritis terhadap segmentasi pasar kerja industri, Damanik, Janianton, 1997
- Tinjauan terapi nutrisi pada diare anak, Partawihardja, Ignatius Sudigbia, 1994
- Tinjauan terhadap beberapa aspek sosial ekonomi sebagai penyebab kemiskinan petani di daerah Urban, Jufri, M, 1999
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- Tinjauan terhadap dampak kegagalan arsitektur modern di Indonesia, Hamid, Bauni, 1997
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- Tinjauan terhadap holding company, trust, cartel dan concern, Purba, Hasim, 2001
- Tinjauan terhadap penerapan SKS di Politeknik, Lubis, Zulkifli, 1988
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- Tinjauan terhadap tema dan plot serta perwatakan Karena Anak Kandung karya M. Enri, Nasution, Ikhwanuddin, 1997
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- Tinjauan umum pengolahan limbah cair secara fisik kimia, Pandia, Setiaty, 1997
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- Tinjauan vonis pidana dalam kasus narkoba sebagai upaya penegakan hukum dan nilai sosial (studi kasus di Pengadilan Negeri Medan), Siagian, Zainal Abidin, 2004
- Tinjauan yuridis alas hak dibawah tangan sebagai dasar pendaftaran hak atas tanah, Syahputri, Noni, 2009
- Tinjauan yuridis atas akuisisi perusahaan setelah berlakunya undang-undang nomor 40 tahun 2007 tentang perseroan terbatas, Siahaan, Sere Magdalena Marnala, 2011
- Tinjauan yuridis atas hak-hak konsumen dalam klausul baku perjanjian berlangganan jasa telekomunikasi seluler pasca bayar, Kamal, 2010
- Tinjauan yuridis atas kepastian hukum hak atas tanah yang telah bersertifikat hak milik (study terhadap putusan mahkamah agung republik INdonesia nomor 2725 K/Pdt/2008), Rifa'i, 2011
- Tinjauan yuridis atas kesetaraan dalam perjanjian kredit perbankan, Herawaty, Hetty, 2009
- Tinjauan yuridis atas kontrak perjanjian perbaikan kapal di PT. Sinbat Precast Teknindo Indonesia di pulau Batam, Yulianti, 2010
- Tinjauan yuridis atas pembatalan perkawinan serta akibat hukumnya (studi putusan No.1009/PDT.G/2009/PA.MDN pada pengadilan agama kelas I-A Medan), Simanjuntak, Nurul Mariati, 2014
- Tinjauan yuridis atas pembentukan holding company BUMN (studi PT.Perkebunan Nusantara III Medan), Hutasoit, Juliana, 2017
- Tinjauan yuridis atas pensertipikatan tanah yang berasal dari hak ulayat (studi kasus putusan MA No. 2274/K/PDT/2005, Simanjuntak, Rebekka Lasmaria, 2012
- Tinjauan yuridis atas perjanjian sewa menyewa safe deposit box pada PT. BNI (Persero) Tbk Tanjung Balai Asahan, Simanjuntak, Effendy, 2011
- Tinjauan yuridis atas pertanggungjawaban direksi dalam pengelolaan PT. BPR Nusantara Bona Pasogit & Sidikalang, Siregar, Kriston Mei Geams, 2012
- Tinjauan yuridis atas tanah wakaf yang dikuasai nadzir (studi di kecamatan Lueng Bata kota Banda Aceh), Evirosita, 2012
- Tinjauan yuridis atas tindakan debitur yang menolak pengosongan barang jaminan yang dieksekusi oleh bank, Lamtiur P, Yoice Irene, 2015
- Tinjauan yuridis atas tugas-tugas notaris sebelum pelaksanaan perjanjian kredit di perbankan, Panggabean, Hiskia Meiko Aunamula, 2014
- Tinjauan yuridis hak kreditor pemegang hak tanggungan pertama dalam pelelangan boedel kepailitan, Saragih, Fenni Ciptani, 2012
- Tinjauan yuridis hak milik atas tanah pada perkebunan kelapa sawit perorangan di Kabupaten Labuhan Batu, Lubis, Dewi Fatimah, 2014
- Tinjauan yuridis hak pekerja atas Boedel pailit yang sudah dibebani hak tanggungan, Basril, 2013
- Tinjauan yuridis hak pengelolaan kota Batam atas tanah hasil reklamasi (studi pada HPL yang dikelola pemerintah kota Batam), Siregar, Mahvira, 2013
- Tinjauan yuridis keabsahan rapat umum pemegang saham berdasarkan putusan mahkamah agung nomor 607 k/pdt/2011, Sianipar, Ribka Angelia M, 2013
- Tinjauan yuridis kedudukan benda jaminan hak tanggungan kepada bank yang terkait kasus korupsi, Yanti, Yenny Yustisi, 2015
- Tinjauan yuridis kedudukan kuasa mutlak dlam peralihan hak atas tanah oleh notaris / PPAT (pejabat pembuat akta tanah), Siregar, Nelly Sriwahyuni, 2008
- Tinjauan yuridis kependudukan kekayaan yayasan setelah belakunya undang-undang nomor 28 tahun 2004 tentang perubahan atas undang-undang nomor 16 tahun 2001 tentang yayasan, Sitorus, Syahrul, 2013
- Tinjauan yuridis kewenangan penerimaan pegawai baru oleh pimpinan BNI (Persero, Tbk) kantor wilayah Pemuda Medan, Sinaga, Boy, 2013
- Tinjauan yuridis kuasa mutlak dalam pembuatan akta notaris menurut perundang-undangan di Indonesia, Emelia, Ema, 2015
- Tinjauan yuridis letter of credit dan kredit sindikasi, Sutedi, Adrian, 2012
- Tinjauan yuridis mengenai aspek perlindungan hukum terhadap hak-hak konsumen listrik menurut undang-undang nomor 15 tahun 1985 tentang ketenaga listrikan : (studi di Kota Medan), Yusuf, Yun Anita, 2006
- Tinjauan yuridis mengenai kedudukan komisaris independen dalam mewujudkan good corporate governance pada perusahaan publik, Rusli, 2006
- Tinjauan yuridis mengenai pergeseran kewarisan harta pusaka rendah dalam masyarakat adat Minangkabau, Sari, Rina Mulya, 2009
- Tinjauan yuridis mengenai waris banci (khuntsa) dalam pembagian warisan menurut hukum islam, Lestari, Indah Puji, 2012
- Tinjauan yuridis pelaksanaan balik nama terhadap jaminan hutang yang dieksekusi berdasarkan risalah lelang pada kantor pertanahan (penelitian pada kantor pertanahan kota Banda Aceh), Dewantara, Dermawan, 2007
- Tinjauan yuridis pelaksanaan perjanjian bagi hasil perusahaan modal ventura dan perusahaan pasangan usaha, Silvanny, Amelia, 2011
- Tinjauan yuridis pelaksanaan perjanjian pembangunan tower telekomunikasi anatar PT. Telkomsel dengan perusahaan mitra kerja, Harahap, Mellisa, 2012
- Tinjauan yuridis pelaksanaan perjanjian pemberian pinjaman bantuan modal bagi usaha kecil dalam program kemitraan pada PT. Angkasa Pura II (Persero), Souvanny, Muharroimi, 2016
- Tin jauan yuridis pelaksanaan perwalian terhadap anak dibawah umur korban Tsunami di Aceh, Harca, Yudhi Marza, 2013
- tinjauan yuridis pembatalan pernikahan akibat menggunakan dokumen / keterangan palsu (studi kasus putusan pengadilan agama Medan No. 776/PDT.G/PA/MDN), Filisia, Dyna, 2012
- Tinjauan yuridis pembatalan putusan arbitrase oleh pengadilan negeri : (studi kasus perkara No. 167/Pdt.P/2000/PN-Jak.Sel), Meliala, Nur Ervianti, 2006
- Tinjauan yuridis pembatalan sertifikat ganda : studi kasus putusan PTUN nomor 53/G.TUN/2005/PTUN-MDN, Masidah, Serilela, 2012
- Tinjauan yuridis pembebanan pajak penghasilan terhadap yayasan, Surbakti, Endang Jaya, 2003
- Tinjauan yuridis pemberian kuyasa direktur terhadap pemenuhan hak dan kewajiban perusahaan dalam pelaksanaan proyek pembangunan jalan, Alnasriel, 2011
- Tinjauan yuridis pembubaran perseroan terbatas (PT) berdasarkan undang-undang nomor 40 tahun 2007, Kesuma, Ade Risky, 2012
- Tinjauan yuridis penanggulangan tindak pidana perpajakan melalui penerapan rezim anti money laundering, Wicaksono, Ruruh, 2011
- Tinjauan yuridis penerapan prinsip iktikad baik dalam sengketa merek : ((studi kasus di pengadilan Niaga Medan), Fachrial, 2006
- Tinjauan yuridis pengawasan Bank Indonesia terhadap pemberian likuiiditas pada bank umum (studi kasus PT. Bank Century Tbk), Manalu, Syuratty Astuti Rahayu, 2011
- Tinjauan yuridis penggunaan formulir akta jual beli kapling perumahan oleh PPAT di kota Medan, Zebua, Sherli Rahmadani, 2012
- Tinjauan yuridis pengikatan dan pendaftaran jaminan kapal laut (studi di kota Medan-Belawan), Mismimi, 2012
- Tinjauan yuridis penguasaan tanah tanpa hak oleh masyarakat : studi pada penguasaan tanah aset PT. Kereta api di Pancur Batu, Damanik, Nur Afni, 2009
- Tinjauan yuridis peralihan hak milik adat Pakpak yang belum terdaftar melalui jual beli di Kecamatan Salak, Hasibuan, Sitti Rohaya, 2017
- Tinjauan yuridis peralihan kredit kepemilikan rumah yang diagunkan tanpa persetujuan bank (studi bank Tabungan Negara)cabang Pemuda Medan), Siahaan, Rismawaty, 2011
- Tinjauan yuridis peran polri dalam penegakan hukum tindak pidana illegal mining, Kurniawan, Deni, 2014
- Tinjauan yuridis perjanjian kerjasama ddalam penjualan voucher hotel antara PT. Eka Sukma Tour dengan Hotel J.W. marriot Medan, Sukma, Rio Adrian, 2012
- Tinjauan yuridis perjanjian kerjasama jual beli tandan buah segar (TBS) kelapa sawit antar PTPN I dan PT. Bagun Sempurna Lestari (BSL), Fahrozi, Mohammad, 2012
- Tinjauan yuridis perjanjian kerja tenaga kerja asing pada PT. Toyo Kanetsu Indonesia (studi pada Kawasan Industri Batu Ampar, Batam), Sari, Ayu Fulia, 2013
- Tinjauan yuridis perjanjian perceraian bedasarkan kitab undang-undang hukum perdata dan undang-undang nomor 1 tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan (studi kasus perjanjian perceraian antara misno-nyEko Saryuningtyas dan Sudarman Soh-Dewi), Gunadi, Kiki Annivia Pravita, 2013
- Tinjauan yuridis perjanjian pola kemitraan perkebunan kelapa sawit inti-plasma antara PT. Boswa Megalopolis dengan masyarakat (suatu penelitian dikabupaten Aceh Jaya), Milsa, Muhammad, 2013
- Tinjauan yuridis perjanjian sewa menyewa gedung antara dinas pendapatan daerah dengan plaza Medan fair, Sianturi, Reny Aswita, 2011
- Tinjauan yuridis perjanjian sewa menyewa ruangan dan konsesi usaha antara PT. Indomobil Bintang Corpora Cabang Medan dengan PT. (Perswero) Angkasa Pura II Medan, Zaipan, Muhammad, 2012
- Tinjauan yuridis sertifikasi tanah eks hutan tanaman industri desa buntu turunan, Sitinjak, Juni Irianti, 2010
- Tinjauan yuridis tanggung jawab likuidator dalam pemberesan harta perseroan terbatas yang dibubarkan, Angeline, 2016
- Tinjauan yuridis tentang gadai syariah (RAHN) di kantor Pegadaian Syariah di Lhokseumawe, Marhanita, 2012
- Tinjauan yuridis tentang hak dan kewajiban pengangkutan dalam perjanjian pengangkutan BBM industri (studi kasus perjanjian pengangkutan BBM antara PT. Yunita Permai Budiman dengan PT. Toba Pulp Lestari Tbk), Ria, Nova Dame, 2011
- Tinjauan yuridis tentang kasus permohonan pernyataan pailit PT. Bank IFI terhadap PT. Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk, Timothy, Andreas, 0000
- Tinjauan yuridis tentang pelaksanaan atas perpanjangan sertipikat hak guna bangunan yang berada diatas tanah hak pengelolaan pemerintah kota Pekanbaru, Harianto, Sugiono, 2012
- Tinjauan yuridis tentang pembagian warisan dengan cara perdamaian (tashaluh) menurut hukum islam, Perangin-angin, Riva Yulia Pratiwi Ersa, 2012
- Tinjauan yuridis tentang perjanjian kredit sindikasi berdasarkan hukum kontrak (study kasus PT. Bank Sumut), Harahap, Mulia Pandapotan, 2012
- Tinjauan yuridis tentang perwakafan tanah hak milik, Saroso ; Ngani, Nico, 1984
- Tinjauan yuridis tentang rapat umum pemegang saham melalui video konferensi berdasarkan undang-undang nomor 40 tahun 2007 tentang perseroan terbatas, Jauhara, Lilia, 2010
- Tinjauan yuridis tentang redistribusi tanah pertanian dalam rangka pelaksanaan landreform, Jaya, I Nyoman Budi, 1989
- Tinjauan yuridis terhadap adanya wanprestasi dalam memorandum of understanding antara PT. Matahari Anugerah Perkasa dengan CV. Ponorogo di kota Medan, Waston, Frans, 2013
- Tinjauan yuridis terhadap adendum akad pembiayaan murabahah sebagai upaya restrukrisasi pembiayaan bermasalah, Aqbar, T. Dhiaul, 2012
- Tinjauan yuridis terhadap akad ijarah (studi pengurusan haji dan umroh pada bank Syariah Mandiri cabang Medan), Hasibuan, Tivani Ruslan, 2012
- Tinjauan yuridis terhadap akta perjanjian kawin pasangan calon suami/istri yang akan menikah menurut UU No. 1 tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan, Nasution, Dhira M. W, 2010
- Tinjauan yuridis terhadap cybercrime di Indonesia., Noor, Azamul Fadhly, 2005
- Tinjauan yuridis terhadap dana talangan haji berdasarkan hukum islam (studi kasus di bank Sumut Syariah cabang Medan, Andriani, Fitri, 2012
- Tinjauan yuridis terhadap efektifitas proses penundaan kewajiban pembayaran utang dan perdamaian sebagai alternatif penyelesaian utang piutang perusahaan, Pohan, Yunita, 2006
- Tinjauan yuridis terhadap eksistensi taklik talak sebagai perjanjian perkawinan dana alasan dan perceraian dalam kompilasi hukum Islam, Syaifuddin, 2002
- Tinjauan yuridis terhadap grosse akta pengakuan hutang dalam perjanjian kredit bank syariah, Tobing, Rahmat R.P. L., 2010
- Tinjauan yuridis terhadap hak waris istri dalam perkawinan siri pada masyarakat adat Aceh di kecamatan Darul Imarah mukim daroy/jeumpet desa Garot kabupaten Aceh besar provinsi Aceh, Septhio, M. Rezza, 2014
- Tinjauan yuridis terhadap jaminan fidusia yang dilelang tidak melalui badan lelang negara (studi pada PT. Kembang 88 multifinance), Bangun, Edim Totonta, 2016
- Tinjauan yuridis terhadap kedudukan sertifikat hak milik atas tanah bank pemerintah setelah menjadi PT (Persero) studi kasus PT. Bank Sumut Medan, Fahmi, Reza, 2013
- Tinjauan yuridis terhadap kekuatan pembuktian akta dibawah tangan yang telah di legalisasi dan diregistrasi oleh notaris, Sinaga, Merrt Natalia, 2007
- Tinjauan yuridis terhadap kelemahan sistem publikasi negatif yang bertendensi positif dalam pendaftaran tanah, Wahyuni, Novi Sri, 2007
- Tinjauan yuridis terhadap kewajiban verifikasi bea perolehan hak atas tanah dan bangunan (BPHTB) atas peralihan hak atas tanah dan bangunan di kota Pekanbaru, Panjaitan, Erika Jenri Halasan, 2014
- Tinjauan yuridis terhadap kewarisan anak li'an dalam perspektif hukum Islam : (studi putusan pengadilan agama nomor 1595/PDT.G/2010/PA Sidoarjo), Priardhyni, Astari, 2012
- Tinjauan yuridis terhadap kewarisan munasakhas dalam perspektif hukum waris islam (studi kasus penetapan pengadilan agama Medan No. 77/PDT.P/2009/PA MDN), Isnaida, Sri, 2012
- Tinjauan yuridis terhadap kewenangan hakim dalam membatalkan akta notaris yang diajukan sebagai alat bukti dalam proses pemeriksaan perkara di persidangan, Damanik, Darma Indo, 2005
- Tinjauan yuridis terhadap pelaksanaan pembagian harta warisan dalam perkawinan poligami menurut perspektif hukum waris islam (studi putusan mahkamah agung republik INdonesia No. 224/K/AG/2011), Akass, Nadia, 2012
- Tinjauan yuridis terhadap pelaksanna pemberian ganti kerugian terhadap tanah bagi pembangunan jalan arteri akses bandara kuala namu : (studi di desa telaga sari Tanjung Morawa), Saragih, Astrya Umacy, 2015
- Tinjauan yuridis terhadap pembangunan rumah susun yang dibangun dengan pemanfaatan barang milik negara berupa tanah berdassarkan undang-undang nomor 20 tahun 2011 tentang rumah susun, Japto, Fandy, 2012
- Tinjauan yuridis terhadap pemblokiran sertifikat di kantor pertanahan Deli Serdang, Dewi, Masnita, 2010
- Tinjauan yuridis terhadap pemungutan bea perolehan hak atas dan bangunan (BPHTB) dalam transaksi jual beli tanah dan bangunan di kota Tanjung Balai, Chairumi, 2014
- Tinjauan yuridis terhadap penerapan asas itikad baik dalam perjanjian (studi pada perjanjian berlangganan sambungan telekomunikasi telkom Flexi), Febrina, 2010
- Tinjauan yuridis terhadap penetapan pengesahan perkawinan adat Tionghoa oleh hakim, Lodewik, 2011
- Tinjauan yuridis terhadap pengangkatan anak (Adoptie) warga negara Indonesia oleh warga negara asing) : (studi kasus di Departemn Sosial Republik Indonesia), Hamid, T. Dewi Melfi, 2006
- Tinjauan yuridis terhadap penyelesaian kredit macet PT. BNI (Persero) TBK Kantor Wilayah 01 Medan dalam kaitannya dengan praktek PUPN Cabang Sumatera Utara : (penelitian pada KP2LN Medan), Kurniawan, Martono, 2006
- Tinjauan yuridis terhadap penyelesaian sengketa pembatalan pendaftaran merek berdasarkan UU No.15 tahun 2001 tentang merek (studi kasus padaputusan-putusan pengadilan niaga Jakarta Pusat), Haq, Miftahul, 2007
- Tinjauan yuridis terhadap peraliahan kepemilikan saham secara diam-diam (studi pada putusan nomor 1130/K/PDT/2010), Meliala, Lestari Sembiring, 2014
- Tinjauan yuridis terhadap peran pusat pelaporan dan analisis transaksi keuangan (PPATK) dalam mencegah dan membrantas tindak pidana pencucian uang (money laundering), Mahyar, Andry, 2011
- Tinjauan yuridis terhadap perjalanan kemerdekaan pers dan saran optimalisasi pemajuan pers di Indonesia, Indonesia. Badan Pembinaan Hukum Nasional, 2011
- Tinjauan yuridis terhadap perjanjian bangun bagi (studi pada pembangunan rumah toko oleh developer perorangan di kecamatan Medan Selayang), Sitorus, Rachel Sheila, 2015
- Tinjauan yuridis terhadap perjanjian sewamenyewa mobil di CV.Shandi Mocha Jaya Medan, Izhandri, Shandi, 2011
- Tinjauan yuridis terhadap perlindungan hukum bagi nasabah bank pengguna ATM (automated teller machines) dalam sistim perbankan Indonesia, Siahaan, Deasy Risma Rotua, 2007
- Tinjauan yuridis terhadap pertanggungjawaban pidana lembaga penyiaran berlangganan melalui kriminalisasi dalam undang-undang nomor 32 tahun 2002 tentang penyiaran, Setyawan, Gidion, 2010
- Tinjauan yuridis terhadap prinsip kehati-hatian direksi dalam perjanjian kerja sama untuk proses pengadaan barang dan jasa (studi penelitian PT. Perkebunan Nusantara III (Persero) Medan), Budianty, Risky Adelia, 2012
- Tinjauan yuridis terhadap prinsip kemitraan dalam usaha perkebunan berdasarkan program revitalisasi perkebunan, Rajekshah, Musa, 2009
- Tinjauan yuridis terhadap spin off dalam restrukturisasi perseroan, Marpaung, Jese Yudistira, 2012
- Tinjauan yuridis terhadap status anak perusahaan yang induk perusahaan berubah status menjadi penanaman modal asing, Christinawaty, 2015
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